用木霉防治棉苗立枯病 Ⅰ.木霉的分离及棉苗立枯病菌菌丝间的交互作用

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用稀释平板法和诱饵法从西南四省区(川、云、贵、藏)不同生态环境的土壤和其它材料分离到170株木霉。稀释平板法从57%的土样分离到木霉,大大高于用诱饵法的10.8%。诱饵法更易受到毛霉、根霉等土壤速生真菌的影响。土壤分离结果表明,从气候炎热的西双版纳到海拔3500~5500米的西藏高原,在土壤pH值为4.0~8.0范围内的各种土壤中均分离到木霉,而从植被差、贫瘠的土壤中很难分离到木霉。 用玻璃纸对峙法观察了不同来源的木霉菌株与棉苗立枯菌菌丝间的交互反应,从不同类型土壤和其它材料获得的木霉中都有与立枯丝核菌发生交互反应的,不过桔抗木霉的频度不相同。从农耕土壤分离到的木霉中53%的对棉苗立枯病菌有拮抗作用;其次为森林草原土壤,为40%;从玉米籽粒、朽木、食用菌培养料等分离到的木霉,有20%有轻度桔抗作用。 170 strains of Trichoderma were isolated from soils and other materials in different ecological environments in four provinces (Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Tibet) by means of dilution plate method and bait method. The dilution plate method isolated Trichoderma from 57% of the soil samples, much higher than the 10.8% with the bait method. Bait method is more susceptible to Mucor, Rhizopus and other soil fast-growing fungi. The results of soil separation showed that Trichoderma was isolated from all kinds of soils in the soil pH range from 4.0 to 8.0 from Xishuangbanna, a hot climate, to the Tibetan plateau with an elevation of 3500-5500 meters. However, from the poorly vegetated and barren soil Difficult to separate Trichoderma. The cellophane confrontation method was used to observe the interaction between Trichoderma strains of different origins and Rhizoctonia solani of cotton seedlings. Trichoderma spp. Interacted with Rhizoctonia solani in different types of soils and other materials, However, the frequency of anti-Trichoderma orange is not the same. 53% of the Trichoderma isolated from the farming soil had an antagonistic effect on the Ralstonia solanacearum, followed by 40% of the soil in the forest steppe. Trichoderma isolated from the maize kernels, dead wood, edible fungus culture material and the like 20% mild anti-orange effect.
自一九九○年以来,以墨竹大写意而著名的画家王林旭,全面展开了旷日持久的水墨实验。他上溯梁楷、徐渭、八大、石涛等文人画借象写意之源,以其人文自觉汇入自民国 Since 199
Ft-207的血浓度曾用生物法及高压液相法测定。本文将氟离子电极测定5-Fu 血浓度的方法稍加改进,测定了 Ft-207的血浓度。测定灵敏度为 Ft-207 0.2μg/ml,血药浓度线性范围为
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