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肺母细胞瘤(Pulmonary Blastoma)是一种极为少见的原发性肺恶性肿瘤。迄1981年止,国外文献共报道39例,国内7例。丁嘉安1981年报告的953例肺恶性肿瘤中也只有2例。本文结合文献复习报告一例如下: 患者,女性,45岁。体检时发现左肺内肿块两个月,无任何自觉症状,于1983年7月25日入院。 查体:两肺呼吸音正常。X线摄片于左下肺第三前肋间可见一球形病灶,大小约2.5×2.5×3cm,边缘光滑,密度中等均匀,肺门未见增大,余肺清晰。诊断为左下肺良性病变可能较大(图1)。 手术中发现左肺肿物位于上叶舌段,与周围无粘连,肺门淋巴结无肿大,作左肺上叶舌段楔形切除术。术后经过良好,术后17个月随访,健在。 病理学所见:左上肺舌叶组织一块,大小6×4 Pulmonary blastoma (Pulmonary Blastoma) is an extremely rare primary lung malignancy. As of 1981, a total of 39 cases were reported in foreign literature and 7 cases in China. Ding Jia’an reported in 1981 that there were only 2 cases of 953 lung malignancies. An example of this article combined with a review of the literature is as follows: Patient, female, 45 years old. The left lung mass was found on physical examination for two months without any symptoms, and was admitted on July 25, 1983. Physical examination: The breath sounds of both lungs are normal. The X-ray film showed a spherical lesion on the third anterior intercostal space of the left lower lung. The size was about 2.5 x 2.5 x 3 cm, the edge was smooth, the density was moderate, the hilum was not enlarged, and the remaining lung was clear. The diagnosis of benign lesions in the left lower lung may be larger (Figure 1). During the operation, the left lung mass was located in the upper ligule segment, with no adhesion to the surrounding, and there was no enlargement of the hilar lymph node. A wedge-shaped resection of the upper ileal segment was performed. After the operation was good, 17 months after follow-up, alive. Pathology findings: left upper lung tongue tissue, size 6×4
我科在1966~1987年间共收治嗜铬细胞瘤66例,其中4例(2个家族)为家族性嗜铬细胞瘤(FPCT),现报道如下。例1 男,44岁。因突发性偏头痛伴呕吐13小时于1972年10月6日入院。体检:T3
在甲状腺外科手术初期,以并发症众多和严重而著称。我们在行甲状腺次切除术后,曾遇到1例术后出现视野障碍,现报告如下: 汤××,女性,43岁。主诉多汗无力心慌、食欲亢进3个月
耵聍腺肿瘤是较罕见的一种耳部肿瘤。国内1963年首例报告,1963~1978年国内陆续报告过11例。本院1984年12月~1986年1月治疗3例,特报告: 例1 男,69岁,左外耳道新生物五年伴听力
食管平滑肌肉瘤是食管罕见的恶性肿瘤之一。到1986年英国文献上报告44例。其特点不同于食管癌,术前与平滑肌瘤鉴别诊断十分困难。现将有关问题综述如下: 发生率:食管平滑肌