特色铸精品 创新求发展——本刊创刊20周年座谈会纪要

来源 :南京理工大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ncufox
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今年是本刊创刊20周年,也是以我校党委书记陈根甫为首的新一届编委会与编辑班子开展工作的一年。为纪念本刊创刊20周年,同时配合学校55周年校庆活动,促进学报进一步提升水平,落实上半年编委会关于“明确办刊定位,完善管理机制,形成具体设想”的要求,本刊编辑部在9月24日特邀请省期刊学会领导、学报特约编委以及长期关心、支持学报发展的知名专家学者召开座谈会,总结学报的办刊经验,分析存在的问题,探讨学报办刊的定位与发展趋向问题。江苏省高校文科学报研究会理事长刘守旗教授,江苏省南社研究会原副会长、南京理工大学柳光辽教授,中国南社与柳亚子研究会常务理事金建陵, This year marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of this journal. It is also a year for the new editorial board and editorial team led by Chen Genfu, secretary of our school’s party committee. In order to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the publication of our magazine, and in conjunction with the 55th anniversary of the school activities to promote further enhance the standard of journals, the implementation of the first half of the editorial board on “clear positioning of the magazine, improve the management mechanism, the formation of specific ideas,” the requirements of this issue On September 24, the editorial department invited famous provincial experts and journal leaders, special editorial board members and well-known experts and scholars who have long been concerned and supported the development of the journal to hold symposiums, summarize the experience of running the journal, analyze the existing problems, Positioning and development trends. Professor Liu Shouqi, chairman of Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Liberal Arts Research Association, former vice president of Nanshe Research Association of Jiangsu Province, Professor Liu Guangliao of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, executive director of South China Society and Liu Yazi Research Association Jin Jianling,
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尼群地平(nitrendipine)属第二代钙离子拮抗剂,是目前治疗高血压比较理想的新药。 1 作用机理:近年来分子生物学研究把电压依赖性钙通道分为 L、T、N 3型。L型通道由α_1、