2004年10月下旬,记者一行数人驱车前往浙江省义乌市,参加义乌中国小商品国际博览会。开展那天,记者来到展会,发觉外国商人特别多,而且是外国中小商人居多,据说超过12000多人。 下午1点多,记者来到商城集团大楼,采访浙江市场发展战略研究所齐东研究员。齐研究员穿着竖条子衬衫,坐在椅子上,用聊天的口吻谈论着他的想法;在他背后,有他书写的墨迹:苏东坡的“大江东去”和李大钊“铁肩担道义,妙手著文章”名句。外国商人纷纷来赶集 记者(以下简称记):您是什么时
In late October 2004, a group of reporters and reporters drove to Yiwu, Zhejiang Province to attend the Yiwu China International Commodity Fair. On that day, the reporter came to the exhibition and found that foreign businessmen are particularly large and mostly foreign small and medium-sized businessmen, which are said to be over 12,000. More than 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the reporter went to the mall group building, interviewed Qi Dong, Zhejiang Institute of Market Development Strategy researcher. Qi researcher wearing a vertical strip shirt, sitting in a chair, chatting talk about his ideas; behind him, there are his written ink: Su Dongpo “Daedong Go ” and Li Dazhao , Miaoshou article "famous. Foreign businessmen have come to market a reporter (hereinafter referred to as mind): When are you