
来源 :中国电子教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eastfoot01
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一、西方职业技术教育发展的经验职业技术教育是在19世纪随着产业革命而发展起来的。到20世纪初,一些主要资本主义国家都重视职业技术教育,各国现行的职业技术教育制度基本上都在这个时期形成。二战后,各国为了发展经济,对职业技术教育更为重视,20世纪50年代以来,世界经济进入了高速增长期,职业技术教育开始迅速发展。尤其是西方发达的资本主义国家,在急需大批各行各业的熟练技术工人以充实产业界的时候,纠正了偏重普通教育的倾向,积极发展职业高中,职业技术教育所受到的重视程度甚至超过了普通中学。在欧洲的许多国家里,成人没有职业学校文凭,很难找到合适的工作。西德和瑞士的经济发展,很重要的原因在于重视职业技术教育。职业技术教育的优点在于它是定向培养、目标明确、课堂学习和生产实践紧密结 First, the development of Western vocational and technical education experience Vocational and technical education in the 19th century with the industrial revolution and developed. By the early twentieth century, some major capitalist countries attached importance to vocational and technical education. The current system of vocational and technical education in all countries basically formed during this period. After World War II, in order to develop economy, all countries pay more attention to vocational and technical education. Since the 1950s, the world economy has entered a period of rapid growth and vocational and technical education has begun to develop rapidly. Especially in the capitalist countries with developed western countries, when skilled workers in a large number of industries are urgently needed to enrich the industry, they have corrected their tendency to deviate from general education and actively developed vocational high schools. Occupational and technical education has even received more attention than any other country Ordinary high school. In many European countries, adults do not have a vocational school diploma and find it difficult to find a suitable job. The economic development in West Germany and Switzerland is very important because of the emphasis on vocational and technical education. The advantage of vocational and technical education is that it is oriented training, clear objectives, classroom learning and production practice close knot
The 66th annual Cannes Film Festival took place in Cannes,France,from15to26May2013.Steven Spielberg was the head of the jury for the main competition.The French