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福建省石狮市人民检察院庄华民认为:立案监督是刑事诉讼法赋予检察机关的一项重要诉讼监督职能,它与侦查监督、审判监督、执行监督一起共同构成检察机关刑事诉讼法律监督体系。《刑事诉讼法》第87条对此作了规定。不依法立案损害党和政府的形象、影响法律的震慑威力、妨害公安队伍建设、制约公安业务工作的开展。但立案监督立法条文存在先天性的缺陷:立案监督指向的对象过于狭窄,不利于全面实现监督职能:立案监督的对象局限于公安机关的立案侦查活动,对国家安全机关和走私犯罪侦查机关办理的刑事案件、人民法院的自诉案件以及检察机关自身的立案活动的监督,法律未作出明确规定;立法规定不全,造 Zhuang Huamin, the people’s procuratorate of Shishi City, Fujian Province, held that filing supervision is an important procedural supervision function conferred on procuratorial organs by the Criminal Procedure Law. Together with the investigation, trial and supervision, the supervision department jointly constitutes the legal supervision system of procuratorial organs’ criminal procedure. Article 87 of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides for this. Not filing a case in accordance with the law damages the image of the party and the government, affects the deterrent power of law, hinders the construction of public security forces and restricts the development of public security work. However, there are inherent defects in the legislative provisions of case supervision: the objects pointed by case supervision are too narrow and not conducive to the full realization of the supervisory function. The object of case supervision is limited to the case investigation activities of the public security organs, and the cases investigated by the state security organs and smuggling criminal investigation agencies Criminal cases, private prosecution cases of people’s courts and the supervision of the procuratorate’s own case-filing activities, the law does not clearly stipulate the legislation;
江苏省司法厅: 你厅《关于律师事务所无注册律师如何注销问题的请示》(苏司办[2003]9号)收悉。经研究批复如下: 对符合解散条件但不按《合伙律师事务所管理办法》的 Judici
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黄水,宜黄境内的一条小河。  从县城出发,逆黄水而上,步行约二十华里,便有一段人工开凿出来的山石小路。小路一边是山峦,另一边紧挨着黄水,有石柱铁链栏杆护卫着。跨路而立的一座亭楼小巧玲珑,横匾上书:“黄水南来第一楼”。  黄水南来,就是指黄水从宜黄最南边的那片山区而来。  宜黄最南边的那片山区,山上都是松树、杉树和叫不出名字的阔叶林木。山上的野花溢出浓郁的馨香,虽然朵儿不大,却是五颜六色。野草遍地,
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
日前,甘肃、青海、吉林进行食品质量检查,发现了含有三聚氰胺有毒化学品的奶粉,香港《南华早报》7月13日就此事发表社论称:“人们可能会问这样一个问题: Recently, Gansu, Q