
来源 :中国地质科学院地质力学研究所所刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyy10123
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本专题经过了五年的研究,对淮阳山字型、秦岭纬向带、新华夏系有了进一步的认识,同时建立了皖东经向构造体系、划分出了华夏系,它们对区域构造格架有重要影响,是导致郯庐断裂形成演化、体系归属及有无巨大平移之争的主因。在构造与铁铜硫矿产关系方面,前人多强调它们与东西带和新华夏系有关,经研究得知,本区乃至长江中下游铁铜成矿带的形成和分布,严格受淮阳山字型弧形折皱带及脊柱折皱带所控制,而纬向带和新华夏系与山字型折褶带复合改造,也对区内铁铜硫矿产的富集、叠加有重要意义,这就为本区以及长江中下游找矿方向的确定和进行找矿预测奠定了良好的基础。最后在综合研究改造与建造、成矿物质来源及移聚条件后,对本区进行了找矿预测。 This topic after five years of research, Huaiyang Shan fonts, Qinling zonal belt, the new China has further understanding of the system, at the same time established the eastern Anhui direction tectonic system, the division of the Huaxia Department, their regional structure lattice The important influence is the main reason leading to the evolution of the Tan-Lu fault, the system ownership and whether there is a huge shift. In terms of the relationship between iron, copper and sulfur minerals, many people in the past emphasize that they are related to the East-West belt and the Neo-Cathaysia. According to the study, the formation and distribution of Fe-Cu metallogenic belt in this area and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are strictly controlled by Huaiyang Mountain Shaped arcuate fold belt and the zonal fold belt, while the zonal belt and the combination of the Xinhuaxia and Shanzi fold belt are also of great significance to the enrichment and superposition of iron, copper and sulfur deposits in the area It has laid a good foundation for determining the ore prospecting direction and prospecting in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Finally, after comprehensively studying the reconstruction and construction, the sources of ore-forming materials and the conditions of migration and accumulation, the prospecting prediction is made for this area.
一、蒿子坪山崩与泥石流的形成 (一)蒿子坪的自然地理概况 蒿子坪位于长江三峡牛口段的北岸。地质构造上位于秭归向斜的西南面。由侏罗系砂岩与页岩组成。大部山坡的坡度为3
本文介绍了一个能用最小二乘法原理自动地回归一个一元线性方程或一元非线性方程的程序 如果将一组实验数据[(x_i,v_i),i=1,2,…,n]送入计算机内,该程序将自动地从下列给定的
一一一 乙。善复‘三霎‘L。萎叁秦g]zg三奏套 将次声波迄散出来造成了这 场悲剧。一一一 一-上…嚣 L蔓g蒙漾。巳喜蚤箩誊:’人篓鬃鬃秀一 一一 一巳鬃窿巳霎?霎 m?鬃戴沦*
最早大森在研究余震频度衰减时,采用了双曲线公式。 n(t)=A/t+c (1) 式中n(t)是:时刻t时,单位时间内的地震频度。 宇津德治在研究余震时采用公式 The earliest Omori study