Analysis on Factors Affecting Seedling Establishment in Rice

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiying7405
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Elongations of coleoptile and mesocotyl are related directly to rice seedling establishment in soil and height of plant is related to lodging in rice production.Twelve typical rice cultivars with different lengths of coleoptile and mesocotyl(long,medium and short)were selected by screening the lengths of coleoptile and mesocotyl in 1500 accessions.The seedling establishments of these typical cultivars were compared under the combinations of different sowing depths and flooding durations,and two semi-dwarf varieties(G140,Zhong 96-21)with good seedling establishments and optimum mesocotyl lengths were found.The length of mesocotyl was completely fitted negative binomial distribution and the length of coleoptile was nearly fitted lognormal distribution. Analysis of the relationships among mesocotyl,coleoptile,seeding depth,flooding duration,and their interactions to seedling establishment percentage showed that there existed significant relations among mesocotyl,coleoptile,mesocotyl×coleoptile, seeding depth,flooding duration and mesocotyl×sowing depth in the experiment for seedling establishment. Elongations of coleoptile and mesocotyl are related directly to rice seedling establishment in soil and height of plant is related to lodging in rice production. Welve typical rice cultivars with different lengths of coleoptile and mesocotyl (long, medium and short) were selected by screening the lengths of coleoptile and mesocotyl in 1500 accessions. The seedling establishments of these typical cultivars were compared under the combinations of different sowing depths and flooding durations, and two semi-dwarf varieties (G140, Zhong 96-21) with good seedling establishments and optimum mesocotyl lengths were found. The length of mesocotyl was completely fitted negative binomial distribution and the length of coleoptile was nearly fitted lognormal distribution. Analysis of the relationships among mesocotyl, coleoptile, seeding depth, flooding duration, and their interactions to seedling establishment percentage showed that there existed significant relations among mesocotyl, coleoptile, mesocotyl × cole optile, seeding depth, flooding duration and mesocotyl × sowing depth in the experiment for seedling establishment.
盐池县人民法院以党的十七届五中全会精神为指导,认真贯彻政法工作、法院院长会议精神,深入开展创先争优活动,以开展“发扬传统、坚定信念、执法为民”主题教育实践活动为 Y
本刊2008年度优秀栏目和优秀作品评选活动,在广大读者的积极参与和热情支持下已经结束。根据票数由高到低,分别评出优秀栏目10个(其中一等奖2个,二等奖3个,三等奖5个);优 Ou
1975年1月18日,在全国人大四届一次会议上,59岁的万里被任命为铁道部部长,此时,他已是一个有着39年党龄的共产党人,也是在“文革”中几经沉浮的老干部了,临危受命,他面对的是比战场和工地更为复杂的局面。万里没有让党中央失望,他以一位政治家的敏锐,牢牢地抓住问题的核心,他认为:不解决派性斗争,铁路复兴无望。  上任后的万里雷厉风行。他首先来到打派仗十分严重的徐州分局,以邓小平审阅修改、毛泽东亲自