The Main Task of Water Transportation in 2004

来源 :水路运输文摘 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingsiwei2009
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The coastal port deep-water berths from existing 135 berths increase to 164 berths, and the throughput capacity will rising from current 231 million tons to 340 million tons which include build container berths from current 54 berths increase to 69 berths, the throughput capacity will from current 12 million TEUs increase to 19.4 million TEUs. In the final stage of Tenth Five-year plan, the quantity of national coastal port deep-water berths will from current 800 berths increase to 820 The coastal port deep-water berths from existing 135 berths increase to 164 berths, and the throughput capacity will rising from current 231 million tons to 340 million tons which include build container berths from current 54 berths increase to 69 berths, the throughput capacity will from current 12 million TEUs increase to 19.4 million TEUs. In the final stage of Tenth Five-year plan, the quantity of national coastal port deep-water berths will from current 800 berths increase to 820
嗜酸乳杆菌(Lactobacillus acidophilus)是乳酸菌家族中的重要一员,它能在肠道中定植,当达到一定数量时,能改善或调节肠道微生物菌群的平衡、增强机体免疫力及抑制肿瘤细胞的形成
BSD包过滤器(BSD Packet Filter,BPF)是BSD Unix操作系统提供的网络数据包捕获及过滤机制的内核组件.该文描述了BPF的组成及工作过程,分析了BPF采用的无环控制流图过滤模式,介
近年来,非平面PDC切削齿,如浅凹面PDC齿、Stinger毒牙中心锥形齿、Stinger毒牙刀翼锥形齿、Axe Blade斧式脊形PDC齿和Stay Cool保持冷却PDC齿等制造的钻头,逐步在油气钻井中