《化学传感器》是经国家科委批准,由中国仪器仪表学会主办的专业科技刊物。1981年创刊,国内外公开发行,国内统一刊号 CN32—1406/TP,国际标准刊号 ISSN1008—2298,广告经营许可证:扬工商广字003。本刊的主要任务是交流有关化学传感器的研制、理论研究、在各个领域的应用、仪器及与微机联用技术等方面的学术论文,促进化学传感器在各生产科
“Chemical Sensor” is approved by the State Science and Technology Commission, sponsored by the Chinese Society of Instrumentation professional scientific publications. Started in 1981, domestic and international public offering, the domestic unified serial number CN32-1406 / TP, international standard serial number ISSN1008-2298, advertising business license: Yang Industrial and Commercial Bank 003. Our main task is to exchange the development of chemical sensors, theoretical research, application in various fields, equipment and computer technology and other aspects of the joint academic papers to promote chemical sensors in various production sections