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针对三种不同空间尺度的介质体模型,通过采用数值模拟实测数据的方法,探讨了根据实测数据建立视电阻率模型的方法,并通过与真实电阻率模型对比,分析了视电阻率模型的有效性。结果表明:虽然在数值上视电阻率模型与介质的真实电阻率有较大的偏差,但视电阻率的空间分布格局能够较好的反应真实电阻率的空间分布特征。从而说明建立的视电阻率模型在初步认识介质特性在空间分布上的特征方面是有效的,但要全面了解介质真实电阻率分布特性后期的反演计算仍不可缺少。 Aimed at three kinds of media body model with different spatial scales, the method of establishing the apparent resistivity model based on the measured data is discussed through the numerical simulation of the measured data. The comparison between the apparent resistivity model and the real resistivity model shows that the apparent resistivity model is effective Sex. The results show that although the apparent resistivity model has a large deviation from the real resistivity of the medium, the spatial distribution pattern of apparent resistivity can better reflect the spatial distribution of the real resistivity. Therefore, it is valid to establish the apparent resistivity model in the preliminary understanding of the characteristics of the medium in the spatial distribution. However, it is still indispensable to fully understand the real resistivity distribution in the later stage of the inversion calculation.
Background/Purpose:To select the optimal treatment according to the degree of malignancy of neuroblastoma,it is essential to accurately and rapidly identify any
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