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各位先生,各位同志:今天是一九五一年的元旦日,大家欢聚一堂,来庆祝这个佳节,我代表西北军政委员会和中共中央西北局向大家致热烈的祝贺。一九五○年过去了。在这一年内,在国内、国外都发生了很大的变化。这主要是由于我中华人民共和国成立后,我国内部实现了宁前的统一空前的团结,并与伟大的苏联结成同盟。我国人民用自己在各方面工作的实际成就,在反对美帝国主义侵略活动的各种斗争中的伟大贡献,表现了我们是在亚洲大陆上扞卫民主、和平的坚强的堡垒,是亚洲人民力量的重心。我国人民的胜利斗争,推动着亚洲的以及全世界的各国人民运动更加迅速地向前发展,根本改变了以苏联为首的和平民主阵营与以美帝国主义为首的侵略阵营的力量对比,美英帝国主义侵略集团的势力,陷入全世界人民力量的大海中,早已经决定地永远处于劣势状态了。在这个总的形势下,在西北上,这一年来,我们解放了全部国土,并在建设人民政权方面、在剿匪、肃清特务等社 Ladies and gentlemen, Today is the day of New Year’s Day in 1951. We all gathered together to celebrate this festive occasion. On behalf of the Northwest Military and Military Commission and the Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, I extend my warm congratulations to all of you. 1950 years passed. During this year, great changes have taken place both at home and abroad. This is mainly because after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the unprecedented unification of our country was realized within our country and an alliance was formed with the great Soviet Union. The great contribution made by our people in various struggles against the aggressive activities of the U.S. imperialists in their practical achievements in various aspects shows that we are a strong fortress in safeguarding democracy and peace in the Asian continent and are the power of the people of Asia. The center of gravity. The triumphal struggle of our people has driven the people’s movements in Asia and throughout the world more rapidly and radically changed the balance between the camps for peace and democracy led by the Soviet Union and the camp for aggression led by the U.S. imperialists. The U.S.-British imperialism The forces of aggression, plunged into the sea of ​​people’s forces all over the world, have long been decided to remain at a disadvantage forever. In this general situation, in the northwest, over the past year, we have liberated all the territory and, in building the people’s power, have been suppressing the bandits and eliminating secret agents.
2011年,因县际教师流动,我踏入了海安实小这座百年名校。时值盛夏,共生园中草木葳蕤,一派生机。共生大道旁温润的樟树,颀长挺拔,空气中萦绕着丝丝缕缕的芳香。小旗台边,倚着一株清贵的石榴,油亮的绿叶映着朵朵红艳,煞是好看。蓦地,我那颗飘浮不定的心一下子安宁起来。  及至开学,一切渐入正轨,我又得知一个好消息:在学校“青蓝工程”结对活动中,我成为了校长、特级教师徐金贵的徒弟。一阵狂喜油然而生,自己暗下
我们对1999年2月~2001年2月我院应用可利新和善得定治疗慢性肝病合并上消化道出血的临床疗效进行了对比,现报道如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 临床资料 38例患者均为住院病人,其中
1995年7月21-22日,康奈尔大学举办了题办“创造南京路:上海的商业文化,1864-1949”的国际学术讨论会。路斯基金会(Luce Foundation)曾资助康奈尔大学与上海社会科学院进行了