Efficient Multiple Description Scalable Video Coding Scheme Based on Weighted Signal Combinations

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxiaoaisc
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A simple, efficient multiple description coding (MDC) algorithm was developed based on weighted signal combinations. The scheme uses the standard video encoder with a pre-processing stage to generate multiple descriptions. The decoder then uses a post-processing algorithm to combine the descriptions to provide better image quality. A scalable codec in the MDC system allows the system to provide multiple descriptions and scalability at the same time. In addition, since the different scalable descriptions may have different qualities, a simple averaging process is not optimal. An optimal weighted combination of the two de- scriptions was developed based on the signal to noise ratios. Compared with the simple average combination, the algorithm significantly improved the video quality, especially with large quality differences between the two descriptions, with gains of up to 3.56 dB. A simple, efficient multiple description coding (MDC) algorithm was developed based on weighted signal combinations. The decoder uses a standard-video encoder with a pre-processing stage to generate multiple descriptions. The decoder then uses a post-processing algorithm to combine multiple descriptions. to provide better image quality. A scalable codec in the MDC system allows the system to provide multiple descriptions and scalability at the same time. Since addition of scalability may have different qualities, a simple averaging process is not optimal. Compared with the simple average combination, the algorithm significantly improved the video quality, especially with large quality differences between the two descriptions, with gains of up to 3.56 dB .
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