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论述在市场机制为基础的经济体制条件下 ,以矫正、改善市场失灵为目的 ,政府干预和干涉经济主体活动的行为。开发配套“公的规制”的市场规则要求以契约为基础 ,资源配置追求公平效率 ,建立现代化城市开发配套管理体系。 Discusses the behavior of the government in intervening and interfering with the activities of the economic subjects under the economic system based on the market mechanism and for the purpose of rectifying and improving the market failure. The development of market rules supporting the “regulation of the public” requires that the allocation of resources should be based on the contract, the fair allocation of resources should be pursued, and a modern urban development supporting management system should be established.
在追求效率的年代,已经不可能像以前那样召集全体员工开大会讨论问题了,不仅时间不允许,空间上也难以满足这种要求。为此,主要面对商业用户、政府部门和国防系统的FVC 公司
小亮本是个伶俐聪慧的孩子,可到了初二下学期,老师发现他在课堂上刚刚讲完的内容让他复述一下,他却什么也说不出来。问他为什么?他犹豫了好长时间才说:“老师,你讲课声音太小,我根本没听清楚。”老师问他同桌同学和坐在最后的同学听清楚了没有,他们都说听清了。为此,老师把小亮换到了最前排。   上英语课,老师经常指定不同位置的学生互相对话,每当叫小亮对话时,他总是要别人说几遍,还埋怨对方说话声音小。这时,老师
LG 的 CDMA 手机一直以完善的功能和精细的做工赢得好评,而不可忽略的是,厂家市场策略和机型定位的精准也是其艺所以能在短期内称雄市场的一大法宝 LG’s CDMA handsets ha
  Well discuss a combinatorial invariant for Spherical CR structures which involves a cross-ratio of 4 generic points on 3-sphere and the Bloch groups of comp
明神宗时,内阁首辅(相当于宰相)张居正为使儿子在殿试中取头名状元,策划取赴京赶考的临川才子汤显祖为殿试第二名作为衬托,并派其堂弟张居直拉拢汤显祖。 Ming Shenzong, t
  In this talk,at first we give a brief introduction to the theory of motives as wellas Murres conjectures about Chow groups.Then we present some remarks on M
  Let Fp be a finite field with p a prime number and G a finite abelian p-group.The explicit structure of K2(FpG) are determined and in particular one of its