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“贞观之治”是中国盛唐政治修明、国家富强安定的时代,它的迅速出现,除了君明臣贤外,唐太宗的“贤内助”——长孙皇后也功不可没。她虽没有叱咤疆场辅君开创帝业的风范,可是她却在不平凡的宫廷生活中以自己贤良无私、深明大义的品德和朴实无华的言行,内助夫君铲除政敌,为唐太宗登基立下了特殊功勋。开创帝业后,她又凭着自己的政治才能和远见才识,不仅敢于犯颜直谏,而且保护和鼓励忠臣直谏,使贞观年间唐太宗能够从谏如流;她最突出的政治见解就是防范外戚专权,这就为“贞观”时期的繁荣与稳定奠定了坚实的基础。此外,她谦逊勤俭、贤惠善良,促使“贞观”年间崇德尚俭之风盛行。因此,研究和探讨长孙皇后对“贞观”时期政治和社会的影响,有利于进一步了解唐朝政治权力的运行机制、制约机制以及唐朝前期兴盛的内在动因。 “The rule of Zhenguan” is an era when the political prosperity of China was prosperous and the country was prosperous and prosperous. Its rapid appearance, in addition to Jun Mingxian, made Emperor Taizong of the Emperor Taizong a great success. Although she did not vilify the style of pioneering the military pioneer, but she was in an extraordinary court life with their own virtues, selfless, deep sense of moral character and plain words and deeds, insiders husband to eradicate political enemies, Tang Taizong ascended the throne A special feat. After opening up the imperial industry, she relied on her own political talent and foresight to realize her wisdom. She not only dared to commit guilty conscience, but also protected and encouraged loyal officials from remonstrance, so that Emperor Taizong was able to give her advice from Zhenguan; her most prominent political opinion was to guard against The exclusive right of the foreign relatives has laid a solid foundation for the prosperity and stability during the “Zhenguan” period. In addition, her humble thrifty, virtuous kindness, prompting “Zhenguan ” prevalence of frugality. Therefore, studying and discussing the impact of Empress Changsun on the politics and society during the “Zhenguan” period is conducive to a better understanding of the operating mechanism, restraining mechanism and inner motivation of the Tang Dynasty’s political power.
既往的研究认为败血症时骨骼肌中Na~+、K~+-ATPase活性增加,但分子机制并不十分清楚。本研究验证了败血症时Na~+、K~+-ATPase活性的增加与Na~+、K~+-ATPase α-1、α-2和β-
崔俊岭 1958年2月出生,大专学历,曾担 任过地铁公司团委干事、党支部书记、队长。 1998年从事工会工作,现任北京地铁集团公司 运营有限责任公司机电公司工会主席。 Cui Jun
本文着重探讨了什么叫“好”的发展,提出了衡量发展质量的指标体系,共包含八类指标,并根据科学发展观的要求,分析了我国经济发展过程中应当注意的一些问题。 This paper foc
对钢筋砼 L-形截面双向拉弯构件的正截面承载力进行了研究 ,还对三根钢筋砼 L-形截面双向拉弯构件进行了试验研究 .编制了计算机程序 ,可用于各种类型截面的计算 ;并用此程序