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从悬浮滑板、飞碟,到悬浮音箱,人们往往对浮在空中的东西很是着迷。圆梦网上的ー个众筹项目把这股“悬浮风”吹到了植物界。空中盆栽源于日本的盆栽艺术,其利用磁悬浮原理,能让植物浮在空中。与此前问世的悬浮棋盘和仿飞碟造型的悬浮音箱一样,空中盆栽利用的也是磁极同性相斥的原理。如此一来,盆栽便能稳稳地 From suspended skateboards, flying saucer, to the suspension speaker, people are often fascinated by the things floating in the air. A crowdfunding project on the Dreamliner blows this “suspended wind” into the plant kingdom. Aerial potted plants originated in Japan’s potted art, the use of magnetic levitation principle, allowing plants to float in the air. With the advent of the suspended board and imitation UFO shape of the suspended speaker, the same use of the air pot is also the principle of polar repulsion. As a result, the pot will be stable
It’s a classic case of being in the right place at the right time.A young street seller oblivious to the scene ahead,her wares perched atop her head,photobombe
通过对南海栉江珧(Atrina pectinata Linnaeus)标本的外壳测量、解剖观察,可将其分为四种类型(分别称为青口、棘螺、黄口、沙螺),对其形态差异进行比较研究及有关参数t检验的
英国26岁的时装博主Mehreen Baig每日自拍约50张,一段时间以后网友发现,她的皮肤变得很糟糕:毛孔粗大、雀斑增多、皱纹加深,甚至还有黑眼圈……  当地皮肤科医生使用皮肤扫描仪为Mehreen检查皮肤状况,结果显示,她的皮肤年龄接近30岁,并出现了提早衰老的迹象。  对此,有网友感叹,难道是因为频繁自拍使她脸部长期曝光于手机发射出的高能可见光下,导致肌肤受到损害,出现了早衰吗?  事实到底