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10月21日至25日,国家档案局在衡阳市召开了机关档案工作座谈会。这次座谈会是全国档案工作恢复整顿以来,召开的第一次研究机关档案工作问题的会议。会议从宏观方面分析和研究了全国机关档案工作的基本现状和近几年来机关档案工作的发展和变化。会议着重讨论了机关档案工作在不同层次的组织形式、立卷归档制度、机关全部档案集中统一管理、机关档案室向档案馆移交档案和机关档案工作的标准化、规范化等五个问题。参加这次会议的有全国18个省、市、自治区档案局和部分中央、国家机关档案部门的负责同志。国家档案局副局长冯子直同志主持了这次会议,并在会上作了讲话。 From October 21 to 25, the State Archives Bureau held a forum on archives work in Hengyang. This symposium was the first one held since the restoration of the archives in the whole country to study the archives work of the authorities. The conference analyzed and researched the basic status quo of the file work of the state organs and the development and changes of the file work of the organs in recent years from a macro perspective. The meeting focused on five issues of institutional archives work at different levels of organization, legislation and archiving system, centralized and unified management of all archives of organs, standardization and standardization of transfer of archives by archives agencies to archives and organ archives. Attending this meeting are the responsible comrades of the archives administrations of 18 provinces, cities and autonomous regions as well as some archives departments of the central authorities and state agencies. Comrade Feng Zijian, deputy director of the State Archives Bureau, presided over this meeting and made a speech at the meeting.
名称单位 (元 )VCD:鸡的饲养 (1 - 3讲 ) (2片 ) 70鸡病防治 (1 - 3讲 ) (2片 ) 70农村养鸡 (1片 ) 35疫苗与鸡病防治 (4片 ) 1 4 0肉鸡的饲养管理与屠宰 (1片 ) 35雏鸡和蛋
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省档案著录培训班,从四月一日到五月三十日在省档案馆进行著录试点。参加这次著录培训的,除省档案馆三人外,还有大理、 Provincial file record training class, from Apri
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尽管社会各界看法不一,尽管对炸楼的法律依据还有待探讨,尽管有人发出了缓炸的呼声,海南省三亚市政府还是在1月15日上午对该市的“半拉子”工程炸响了第一炮! 三亚市规划局