利奥·西拉德(Leo Szilard,1898~1964),美籍匈牙利裔理论物理学家。出生于匈牙利布达佩斯的一个犹太富裕家庭,父亲是一名土木工程师。早年他在约瑟夫国王技术学院学工程学,后被征入奥匈军队。退伍后,他到德国柏林高等技术学院(柏林工业大学的前身)攻读化学工程学,后入柏林大学读物理学,获博士学位。他于1933年迁居英国,1938年移居美国,先后在哥伦比亚大学和芝加哥大学从事核物理学的基利奥·西拉德小传
Leo Szilard (1898-1964), a Hungarian-American theoretical physicist. Born in Budapest, Hungary, a Jewish affluent family, his father is a civil engineer. In early years he studied engineering at King Joseph Institute of Technology, was enlisted in the Austro-Hungarian army. After leaving the army, he studied chemical engineering at the Berlin Institute of Technology (formerly Berlin Polytechnic University) and then Ph.D. in physics at Berlin University. He moved to England in 1933, immigrated to the United States in 1938, and wrote Chilio Slard’s Biography in Nuclear Physics at Columbia University and the University of Chicago