Syntheses,structures and properties of five chiral quaternary sulfides,AlxLn_3(Si_yAl_(1-γ))S_7 (Ln=

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangyl1988
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Five new quaternary isostructural rare-earth sulfides, Al0.57Gd3(Si0.27Al0.73)S7 (1), Al0.55Dy3(Si0.34Al0.66)S7 (2), Al0.50Y3(Si0.50Al0.50)S7 (3), Al0.44Gd3(Si0.70Al0.30)S7 (4) and In0.33Sm3SiS7 (5), have been synthesized by facile solid-state reactions. They crystallize in the 3-D ALn3EQ7 structure type in the hexagonal chiral space group P63. The structures feature a 3-D host framework constructed by Ln-S bicapped trigonal prisms, in which the octahedral and tetrahedral interspaces are occupied by A and E atoms, respectively. The investigation of optical and magnetic properties of 4 indicates that it is a semiconductor and behaves antiferromagnetic-like interaction. Five new quaternary isostructural rare-earth sulfides, Al0.57Gd3 (Si0.27Al0.73) S7 (1), Al0.55Dy3 (Si0.34Al0.66) S7 (2), Al0.50Y3 (Si0.50Al0.50) S7 (3), Al0.44Gd3 (Si0.70Al0.30) S7 (4) and In0.33Sm3SiS7 (5), have been synthesized by facile solid-state reactions. They crystallize in the 3-D ALn3EQ7 structure type in the hexagonal chiral space group P63. The structures feature a 3-D host framework constructed by Ln-S bicapped trigonal prisms, in which the octahedral and tetrahedral interspaces are occupied by A and E atoms, respectively. The investigation of optical and magnetic properties of 4 indicates that it is a semiconductor and behaves antiferromagnetic-like interaction.
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年前,免职后的原教育部副部长张保庆大胆放言:“中国目前最大的问题是政令不通,中南海制定的东西有时都出不了中南海。”此言一出,立马引发了传媒的轰动效应。句中的勇于自揭疮疤、敢讲实话精神,引来一片叫好声。  笔者在忆及叫好之余忽然想到,中央政令有时“出不了中南海”,其实只是形象之语。“中南海”是什么地方?那是中国共产党和政府的最高司令部,在中南海内有谁会阻挡中央政令下传?有谁敢、有谁能阻挡中央政令下传