Kidney transplantation from donors with hepatitis C infection

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xsh3310
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The increasing demand for organ donors to supply the increasing number of patients on kidney waiting lists has led to most transplant centers developing protocols that allow safe utilization from donors with special clini cal situations which previously were regarded as contra indications.Deceased donors with previous hepatitis C infection may represent a safe resource to expand the donor pool.When allocated to serology-matched recipi ents,kidney transplantation from donors with hepatitis C may result in an excellent short-term outcome and a significant reduction of time on the waiting list.Specia care must be dedicated to the pre-transplant evaluation of potential candidates,particularly with regard to live functionality and evidence of liver histological damage such as cirrhosis,that could be a contraindication to transplantation.Pre-transplant antiviral therapy could be useful to reduce the viral load and to improve the long-term results,which may be affected by the progression of liver disease in the recipients.An accurate selection of both donor and recipient is mandatory to achieve a satisfactory long-term outcome. The increasing demand for organ donors to supply the increasing number of patients on kidney waiting lists has led to the most transplant centers developing protocols that allow safe utilization from donors with special clini cal situations which previously been considered as as indic indications .Deceased donors with previous hepatitis C infected may represent a safe resource to expand the donor pool. When allocated to serology-matched recipients, kidney transplantation from donors with hepatitis C may result in an excellent short-term outcome and a significant reduction of time on the waiting list. must be dedicated to the pre-transplant evaluation of potential candidates, particularly with regard to live functionality and evidence of liver histological damage such as cirrhosis, that could be a contraindication to transplantation. Pre-transplant antiviral therapy could be useful to reduce the viral load and to improve the long-term results, which may be affected by the progression of l iver disease in the recipients. An accurate selection of both donor and recipient is mandatory to achieve a satisfactory long-term outcome.
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