以亚运精神办七运 以七运风采争奥运

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金秋9月,是北京最美好的季节。全国人民瞩目的中华人民共和国第七届运动会(北京赛区)于9月4日拉开了帷幕。这届全运会的意义非同一般。它不仅要检阅我国体育运动的水平和改革开放的成就,展示中华民族的风采,而且要展示我国举办大型综合性运动会的组织能力和创造力,再一次表现中国人民对奥林匹克运动和奥林匹克精神的向往与追求。 Autumn in September, is the most beautiful season in Beijing. The Seventh National Games of the People’s Republic of China (Beijing Division), which attracted the attention of the entire nation, began on September 4. The significance of this session of the National Games extraordinary. It not only examines the level of sports in China and the achievements in reform and opening up, but also shows the demeanor of the Chinese nation. It also shows the organizational capabilities and creativity of organizing large-scale comprehensive sports events in our country and once again shows the Chinese people’s longing for the Olympic Movement and the Olympic spirit With the pursuit.
耐药逆转剂是目前克服多药耐药(MDR)的主要方法。本文简介了耐药逆转剂valsponder(PSC-833)的耐药逆转作用、作用机制、毒副作用及其在临床各种肿瘤中的研究应用。 Drug res
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日本大学的松井辉明等以20名健康人为对象,探讨了口服儿茶素(1g/d)对人体胃酸分泌和脂质代谢的影响。结果显示,与口服儿茶素前2周比较,服用2周后消 To study the effect of
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