1930年7月,红二十一军在军长胡少海的率领下,执行肃清苏区内的土匪、民团和巩固苏维埃政权的任务。8月5日,红军攻下了漳平永福敌人盘踞的天主教堂,敌龟缩在最后的据点——溪边炮楼负隅顽抗。当天傍晚,胡少海在天主教堂楼梯边用望远镜察看地形,不幸被子弹击中腹部,在返回龙岩的途中,这位年仅32岁的红军军长在龙车村溘然长逝,葬于当地路旁山头。 一颗耀眼的将星,殒落在闽西的青山中。
In July 1930, under the leadership of Commander Hu Shaohai, the Red Twenty-first Army carried out the task of eliminating bandits and militia groups in the Soviet area and consolidating the Soviet power. On August 5, the Red Army captured the Catholic Church entrenched by the enemy of Zhang Yongping. The enemy retreated to the last stronghold, and the Cixi house defied his opposition. On the evening of the same day, Hu Shaohai used the telescope to observe the terrain on the staircase of the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, the bullet struck the abdomen. On his way back to Longyan, the 32-year-old Red Army commander died in Longcun Village and was buried on the roadside hillside . A bright star, 殒 fall in the mountains of western Fujian.