In recent decades, as the demand for chemical resources has increased, the small amount or trace elements that are separated and enriched from natural products have attracted people’s interest in applications. It is remarkable that the oceans, due to their immense potential, are enriched for the extraction of valuable ingredients. An early attempt to extract gold from seawater is a prominent example. In such work, it goes without saying that conventional chemical processes can not be applied, that is, ordinary ion exchangers, molecular sieves and the like are also ineffective. Therefore, in view of the chemical properties of specific ingredients, so-called “adsorbents” or “enrichment agents” having particular chemical affinity have to be selected for their separation and extraction. Water Titanium oxide is a good example of the enrichment of uranium in seawater. Particulate silver chloride enrichment of iodine in seawater, we have done some work, and for the first time directly separated from the sea water, pure form of elemental iodine.