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生日那天,妻送了我一份特殊的礼物,一双崭新的黑布鞋。用手抚摩着那柔软、舒适的黑布鞋子。我这个军中须眉男儿,竟感动得热泪盈眶。“知夫莫如妻”。是啊,也只有心细的妻知道,一双普通的“千层底”布鞋,在我的心中占有何等重要的位置,会激起我对往事的多少美好回忆。当兵那年,爹患肠癌,家贫如冼。接到入伍通知书,刚动完手术的父亲,在娘的搀扶下,亲自来送站。当我身穿军装,胸戴红花,恋恋不舍向家乡父老道别时,身材矮小的娘竟吃力地分 The birthday, my wife sent me a special gift, a pair of brand new black cloth shoes. Stroking the hand that soft, comfortable black cloth shoes. My army man in arms, actually moved tears. “Wife husband like wife.” Yes, only the wedded wife knows how important a place I occupy in my mind is a pair of ordinary “Melaleuca” shoes, which will arouse my memories of the past. Soldiers that year, father suffering from intestinal cancer, poverty as Xian. Receiving a notice of enlistment, just finished the operation of the father, in the nuns of the arm, personally sent to the station. When I was wearing a military uniform and wearing a saffron and reluctant to say goodbye to my relatives in my hometown,
每空填一词,改写下列句子,使句意保持不变。1.The old man died last year. The old man has __ for a year.2.My mother bought the shirt three days ago. My mother has
四月的天还留有冬天残存下来的冷气,偶尔会在某个早晨稍稍发一下余威,所以在这种 天气下晨跑还真得有一副好身体。 一天清晨,放眼望去四周依然光秃秃的,但梧桐的枝桠上已经露
The Reason of Being LateTeacher:Johnny,why are you late for schoolevery morning?Johnny:Every time Icome to the corner,aguide post says,‘School-Go Slow’.老师:
Tell me.Mr.Turkey,Don’t you feel afraidWhen you hear us talkingAbout the plans we’ve made? Tell me.Mr.Turkey,Don’t you feel afraid when you hear us talking
One day shortlyafter I came from school, my fatherwas outside doingyard work. One day shortly after I came from school, my father was outside doing yard work.
亲爱的爸爸妈妈:你们好! 我已经在学校里住下了,一切都好。就是食堂里的菜不如老妈烧的好, 晚上宿舍里还有点吵——个个都是夜猫。老爸你千万别用我的昵称到QQ上聊天, Dear
根据上句在下句的横线上填词,使两句意思相符,每空一词。1.—What time is it?--It’s six forty-five. ---____the time?—-It’s a___2.We must go to school now.___ tim