节能 节约 效率——访北京翔博科技有限责任公司总经理 穆剑平先生

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无论是机械设备或模具零件都存在内应力,由于工况条件的不同,内应力产生的危害也不一样,一些精密模具零件或工作条件苛刻的机械设备要求其内应力很低或必须消除内应力,消除内应力不是一件容易的事情。长期以来,降低或消除应力是科研工作者不断追求的目标,目前已取得了一定的成果。北京翔博科技有限公司投入了大量的人力物力,解决了消除应力的许多难题,拥有先进的振动时效技术专利,这些消除应力的高科技产品已广泛应用到航空航天、机械、模具等行业,反映良好。本刊记者通过电话有幸采访到北京翔博科技有限责任公司总经理穆剑平先生。 Whether mechanical equipment or mold parts have internal stress, due to different working conditions, the internal stress is not the same, some precision mold parts or working conditions harsh mechanical equipment requires low internal stress or must eliminate internal stress Eliminating internal stress is not an easy task. For a long time, reducing or eliminating stress is the constant pursuit of scientific research workers, has achieved some results. Beijing Cheung Bo Technology Co., Ltd. invested a lot of manpower and resources to solve many of the problems of stress relief, with advanced technology of vibration aging patents, these stress-relieving high-tech products have been widely used in aerospace, machinery, mold and other industries, reflecting good. The reporter was fortunate enough to interview over the phone to Beijing Xiang Bo Technology Co., Ltd. General Manager Mr. Mu Jianping.
民兵工作是一项地方性很强的军事工作,只有在同级党委政府的领导下,协调各部门,调动各方面的力量,才能共同做好民兵工作。 一是我们要自觉置于党委、政府的领导之下,要经常
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