
来源 :小天使·语数英初一版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boy1000cn
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  (听力 30分 略)
  1. Here _______ two letters _______ you.
  A. are; to B. is; for
  C. is; toD. are; for
  2. -What time does she get up?
   -She ___________ up at 6:10 am.
  A. is getting B. gets
  C. to get D. get
  3. - What can Tony do?
   - He can __________ the guitar.
  A. to play B. playingC. plays D. play
  4. Ann is a ______ girl. We don't like her.
   A. badB. unfriendly
   C. interestingD. nice
  5. -What size shoes do you want?
  A. Small shoes B. Size 36
  C. 36 size D. Big shoes
  6. -________ do you go shopping?
   - Sometimes.
   A. Where B. How often
  C. How long D. How much
  7. They usually go ______ home ____ lunch.
  A. to; for B. to; at
  C. /; at D. /; for
  8. -Let's _______ to the movies now.
  -That _________ great.
  A. going, soundingB. go, sounds
  C. go, sound D. going, is sounding
  9. My brother likes to ________ black shirts.
  A. in B. put onC. dress D. wear
  10. -What's Cindy doing?
  - She is _____________ with her friends.
  A. playing guitars
  B. playing the volleyball
  C. looking photos
  D. eating dinner
  11. - ______ is the weather in Beijing now?
   - It's __________.
  A. What, winding B. How, windy
  C. When, winds D. Why, windy
  12. -Would you like some oranges?
  A. Yes, thanksB. No, please
  C. Yes, please D. No, don't help me
  13. Thank you for _____________ CCTV's Around The World show.
   A. join B. is joining
   C. to join D. joining
  14. - __________ it going?
  - Great! The weather is cool.
  A. What's B. How's
  C. Why is D.Where's
  15. People are really __________ on the beach in summer.
  A. relaxed B. relaxing
  C. relax D. to relax
  In England the weather is changeable(多变的). It is a1subject of conversation. "Isn't it a nice day?" "Do you think it will rain?""I think it's going to snow." People often2a conversation 3these words.
  Many people think they can tell what theweather is going to be like, but they hardly(几乎不)ever agree with each other.
  4 may say,"Do you see 5 in the east? It's cloudy in the west. We are going to have the weather tomorrow."
  People often6 the weather they want. When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him, "It's going to rain." He won't believe(相信)anything else. When friends have a picnic(举行野餐), they are7the weather is going to clear up(晴朗起来)very quickly that they sit eating their lunch while it rains. Almost(几乎) everyone8what the weatherman (气象预报员)will say. But he doesn't always 9 what we want, and sometimes he makes mistakes(犯错误). Still he usually comes10to being correct(正确的)than anyone else.
  1. A. important B. common(普通的)
   C. interesting D. difficult
  2. A. set off B. start
   C. began D. stops
  3. A. in B. by C. with D. for
  4. A. One man B. A man
   C. Other men D. Another man
  5. A. it is cloudy B. cloudy is it
   C. cloudy it is D. is it cloudy
  6. A. look for B. look up
   C. look at D. ask for
  7. A. very sure B. sure enough
   C. so sure D. too sure
  8. A. hears B. listens
   C. hears from D. listens to
  9. A. ask us B. tell us to
   C. speak us D. say to us
  10.A. close B. closer
   C. closest D. the most close
   Many teenagers(青少年) feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They think that their family members and even their parents don't know them as well as their friend do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for advice.
   It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time among themselves on the phone. The communication( 交流) is very important in children's growing up, because friends can discuss something difficult to say to their family members. However, parents often try to choose their children's friends for them. Some parents stop their children from their children from meeting their good friends.
  1. It seems that the writer is____________what parents do.
  A. pleased with B. surprised at
  C. worried about D. agree with
  2. For many teenagers, their_________ know them better than their parents do.
  A. friends B. brothers and sisters
  C. neighborsD. their grandparents
  3. When teenagers have no friends around, they usually _________ .
  A. go to their friends' homes
  B. talk on the phone to their friends
  C. stay at home with their parents
  D. talk with their parents
  4. The word "advice" in the reading is about _________.
  A. how to do something
  B. when to fight with each other
  C. what to do with their homework
  D. why to do their homework
  5. The best title of the reading is _________.
  A. Large Families
  B. Parents Decide Everything
  C. Parents and Teenagers
  D. Teenagers Need Friends
  An old woman opens her windows and looks out. What a sunny day! But she is surprised there is a man in the front garden. The old woman looks at him and says, "He is eating grass, why?" She goes out into her garden and says to him, "Are you very hungry? Why don't you go to work and get some food?" The man looks at her and says, "I don't like working, I just like eating. Now I'm hungry, I have nothing for my breakfast. You see, I'm eating grass. Can you give me some food?"
  The old woman says, "Come to the back door of my house." The man is very pleased (高兴的). He thinks he can get food from the old woman. So he goes with her. The old woman opens the back door and says to the man. "Look, the grass here is longer (更长的) than that in the garden. Just enjoy it here!"
  1. -What's the man doing in the garden?
   -He is _______ there.
   A. working hard B.opening the windows
   C. eating some food D. eating the grass
  2. What does the man have for breakfast?
   A. Some food B. Nothing
   C. Vegetables D. Fruits
  3. How does the man feel (感觉) when the old woman asks him to the back door?
   A. sad B. sorry
   C. interesting D. pleased
  4. What does the woman ask him to do?
  A. She asks him to work for her
  B. She asks him to the back door and eat food
  C. She asks him to the back door and eat the grass there
  D. She gives him some food at the back door
  5. -What do you think of the man?
   -He is _______.
  A. pleased B. sad C. lazy D. sorry
  1. Lily is writing a letter to her pen pal.(对划线部分提问)
  ________ ________ Lily writing a letter to?
  2. My father is at work.(改为同义句)
   My father ______________________.
  3. It's sunny today.(对划线部分提问)
  ___________________ the weather ________?
  4. My father is reading newspaper in the living room.(对划线部分提问)
  __________________ your father ________ in the living room?
  5. The girl in red is drawing a picture. (对划线部分提问)
  _________ girl __________________a picture?
冯骥才(1942~),当代著名作家。部分作品已被译成英、法、德、日、俄等文字在国外出版。冯骥才还是著名画家。从20世纪90年代以来,他跋山涉水,走过20多个少数民族地区,保护、挽救了一批濒临灭绝的、宝贵的文化遗产。十几年来,他把自己的精力和时间,全部奉献给了文化遗产抢救事业。民间文化基金会所需资金竟是靠他画画卖的钱来筹集,堪称德高而才博,又不乏风趣幽默。  冯骥才在访美期间,一位美国朋友带着孩子去
胡钺,国内知名“80后”青年作家,曾获第二届全球华人少年美文大赛美文奖、全国首届《青年文学》创作新人奖、河南省“五四”文艺奖等多项大奖,代表作品有《琉璃街》等,现为华东师范大学文学院研究生。  2007年秋,当网上热炒郭敬明加入作协的时候,胡钺正一个人静静地趴在书桌前为即将到来的研究生入学考试做准备。这位比郭敬明还小两岁的“80后”作家加入河南省作协已经整整四年了。  从1998年在《少年文艺》上
京剧乐队是由打击乐器和管、弦乐器组成的。打击乐器称武场。管、弦乐器称文场。京剧乐队总称场面,或文武场。    文场    京剧伴奏中的管弦乐队称为文场。一般重唱工的文戏,以管弦乐伴奏为主(虽也少不了打击乐),因此传统习惯称管弦乐为文场。文场包括的乐器,主要有:京胡(胡琴)、京二胡、月琴、弦子(小三弦)、笛、笙、唢呐、海笛子(即小喇叭)及云锣等。由于伴奏的腔调和演奏的曲牌类别的不同,这些乐器在配置上
原文展示 卖报的女工 木 志    一年前,在我们家的那条街道上,出现了一个报摊。卖报的是一位30多岁的女人,脸色有些苍白,显出一种病态,人是寡言的,收钱、找钱、递报,脸上不见许多卖很人那种热情的笑。  那是一个周六吧,雨天,我从家中打伞来到街角买报,那卖报的女人正躲在一个商店的屋檐下,报纸被飞散的雨丝打湿了许多,她的眼中有些凄凉。我心里便想,一个女人家,挣几个钱不容易,就把伞递给她说:“你先遮遮
在美国一个市场里,有个中国妇人的摊位生意特别好,引起其他摊贩的嫉妒,大家常有意无意地把垃圾扫到她的店门口。  这个中国妇人只是宽厚地笑笑,不予计较,反而把垃圾都清扫到自己的角落。旁边卖菜的墨西哥妇人观察了她好几天,忍不住问道:“大家都把垃圾扫到你这里来,你为什么不生气?”  中国妇人笑着说:“在我们国家,过年的时候,都会把垃圾往家里扫,垃圾越多就代表会赚很多的钱。现在每天都有人送钱到我这里,我怎么
王明突然感到生活有了盼头,自从父亲告诉他一个消息。  那当然是一个好消息——“你舅舅请你们车间的头头儿们吃了一顿大餐,贾主任许诺以后有机会就提拔你。”  王明大专毕业后进了这家厂子,被分配到现在的岗位上。  这是一种只要有力气就可以干好的活儿,王明缺的偏偏就是力气。  王明后悔,早知现在,当初何必绞尽脑汁地追求分数?结果以累垮身体为代价换来的大专文凭不过是废纸一张。  工友们的学历虽然没王明高,但
专题解读:  俗话说:千人百姓万脾气。动物也一样,各有各的特点,就走同一种动物,也会有不同的特点。比如,同样是猫,有的调皮,有的温顺,有的懒情。要让自己喜欢的小动物活灵活观地呈现在笔下,写之前,应该先仔细观察一番,了解它们的外形特点和生活习性。可以说生动的介绍描写,来源于对动物的细致观察和思考。    写作时应注意以下几点。  (1)先进行整体描写。无论哪一种动物出现在人们眼前,人们首先会对它的外
现在确实有不少学生喜欢读玄幻,而且往往是一种“地下阅读”或者网络阅读,令教师也感到无力和困惑。据了解,一些中小学生不仅读玄幻,还经常动手写“玄幻”,有的学生甚至写了十几万字。  现在所谓‘玄幻文学’所呈现的实际上就是一个高度电子游戏机化的技术世界,我们可以看到绚烂斑驳的色彩、匪夷所思的魔术、变化多端的玄机,但是唯独体验不到触动读者心灵的人文精神。玄幻小说“装神弄鬼”“价值混乱”,小说人物无论正反无
原文 清脆的破裂声 李争平    暑假的一个傍晚,阵阵凉风拂过,令人顿感惬意。我出去在一片不大的空地上散步,看见一个10岁左右的小男孩正用一只做得很粗糙的弹弓打一只放在地上离他有七八米远的玻璃瓶,一位妇女在他旁边。  那孩子的弹法实在差,竟把弹丸打偏一米多,而且忽高忽低。那位妇女坐在草地上,从一堆石子中捡起一粒,轻轻递到那孩子手中,安详地微笑着。那孩子把石子放在皮套里,打出去,然后再接过一颗。从那
孔子一辈子东奔西跑,政治幻想彻底破灭之后,便神情黯然地回到故乡。这  时候,他已经变成了68岁的老人。他想:争不动、跑不动了,来日无多,不如开门办学吧。泗水、洙水是两条古河,淙淙流水环城而过,孔子创办的私塾泗洙书院就坐落存曲阜。  泗洙书院的学生是“大杂烩”,什么人都有。颜回“贫居陋巷,箪食瓢饮”,是个穷苦人;子路先后做过两大贵族的家臣;子贡则在曹、鲁之间做生意,而且富至千金,还当过鲁、卫的行政官