Discovery of eclogite inclusions and its geological significance in early Jurassic intrusive complex

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yryr0804
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The early Jurassic intrusive complex is chiefly made of monzodioritic porphyry in northern Anhui and northern Jiangsu, which emplaced in 191 Ma. The intrusive complexes contain a lot of eclogite inclusions which belong to eclogite and garnet-pyroxenite. The inclusions had undergone eclogite facies high-pressure metamorphism and am-phibolite facies retrogressive metamorphism. The garnets in eclogite inclusions are mainly almandine varieties and clino-pyroxenes are omphacite and augite. The mineral assemblage and P-T estimation results show that P-T conditions of eclogite facies metamorphism and amphibolite facies retrogressive metamorphism are over 1.2-1.5 GPa, 709-861°C and 0.7-1.03 GPa, 666-738°C, respectively. The discovery of the high-pressure xenoliths not only is of important significance to understand the composition and structure of deep crust in southern edge of North China Platform, but also can be of important influence on realizing the subduc-tion-collision-exhumation evolutional process of The early Jurassic intrusive complex is chiefly made of monzodioritic porphyry in northern Anhui and northern Jiangsu, which emplaced in 191 Ma. The intrusive complexes contain a lot of eclogite inclusions which belong to eclogite and garnet-pyroxenite. The inclusions had undergone eclogite facies high- pressure metamorphism and am-phibolite facies retrogressive metamorphism. The garnets in eclogite inclusions are mainly almandine varieties and clino-pyroxenes are omphacite and augite. The mineral assemblage and PT estimation results show that PT conditions of eclogite facies metamorphism and amphibolite facies retrogressive metamorphism are over 1.2-1.5 GPa, 709-861 ° C and 0.7-1.03 GPa, 666-738 ° C, respectively. The discovery of the high-pressure xenoliths not only is important experiment to understand the composition and structure of deep crust in southern edge of North China Platform, but also can be of important influence on realizing the subduction-collision-exhumation evol utional process of
树木生长到一定高度阶段,顶部叶片会受到水分运输阻力的影响,表现为叶片水分亏缺,进而引发其他生理特性的变化.本研究比较了阔叶红松林3种高大乔木(蒙古栎Quercus mongolica