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胶束增溶分光光度法由于能显著提高显色体系的灵敏度,并在一定程度上改善了测定条件故近年来在痕量分析中受到广泛的注意。十几年来,已经研究过的胶束增溶分光光度体系已有近三百种。但文献资料分散发表在各种刊物上,而且有些资料也不是所有的实验室都能找到的,故重复的工作较多,这在人力、物力上无疑是一种浪费。因此,我们将周始民同志在研究工作中较全面系统地搜集资料而编写成的《胶束增溶分光光度体系的基本光度性质》汇总资料介绍给读者,相信对分析工作者是有所裨益的。本刊准备分两期载完。本文中文文献搜集至1981年10月,外文文献搜集至1980年底。 Micellar solubilization spectrophotometry has attracted more and more attention in trace analysis in recent years because it can significantly improve the sensitivity of the chromogenic system and to a certain extent improve the measurement conditions. Ten years, micelles have been studied solubilization spectrophotometry system has been nearly 300 species. However, the literature is widely distributed in various publications, and some of the information is not available to all laboratories. Therefore, more repetitive work is undoubtedly a waste of manpower and material resources. Therefore, we introduce the summary information of “the basic photometric properties of micellar solubilization spectrophotometry system” compiled by Comrade Zhou Shimin’s more comprehensive and systematic collection of information during the research work and believe it is beneficial to the analysts. This publication is ready to be completed in two phases. This article Chinese literature collected to October 1981, foreign literature collected until the end of 1980.
从3月27日和3月31的两次试钓,到和20多条重达30 ̄40克的大白鲦。目前为止已历经了两个节气,整整一个月,为面对这样的鱼情,我认为是钓点中的窝料了能够客观、全面地让参加读者杯
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