
来源 :考试与招生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahanyin
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问:普通本科提前批与本科批的招生院校有何区别?答:本科提前批A,是使用本科一批线录取的院校国防生、军队、公安、司法、小语种、海洋运输的本科专业;艺术联考、艺术校考和普通体育的部分本科专业;省招生委员会批准列入该批次录取的本科专业。本科提前批B,是使用本科二批线录取的院校国防生、军队、公安、司法、小语种、海洋运输的本科专业;艺术联考和普通体育的部分本科专业;国家专项计划本科专业;免费医学定向生本科专业;省招生委员 Q: What is the difference between general undergraduate approval and undergraduate approval in advance? A: Undergraduate approval in advance is the use of a number of undergraduate admissions institutions of national defense, military, public security, justice, minor languages, marine transportation undergraduate Professionals; arts entrance exams, art school exams, and general sports are undergraduate majors; the Provincial Admissions Committee approves the inclusion of the undergraduate majors enrolled in this batch. Undergraduate approval of B in advance is the use of undergraduate second batch of college admissions for national defense students, the military, public security, judiciary, small languages, marine transportation undergraduate majors; arts undergraduate and general sports undergraduate majors; national undergraduate major program; Free medical orientated undergraduate major; Provincial Admissions Committee
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近日,有媒体曝出青岛一高校的学生因搂抱、牵手等行为被校方算违纪行为。有学生私信表示:“男生不能在公开场合为女生拎包,即使是共用餐盘、共同佩戴一个耳机也不允许。”另有学生感慨:“牵手、搂抱更是胆大的行为,一旦被发现直接被记处分。”  据该校一名学生称,就在这学期,他和女友在校园内牵手被学生处的一名老师看见,被要求出示校牌,并记录下身份证信息。随后被要求去班主任和学生干事处,记下“严重警告”的处分后,