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A method for rapid measuring retardation of a quarter-wave plate based on simultaneous phase shifting technique is presented. The simultaneous phase shifting function is realized by an orthogonal grating, a diaphragm, an analyzer array, and a 4-quadrant detector. The intensities of the light beams from the four analyzers with different azimuths are measured simultaneously. The retardation of the quarter-wave plate is obtained through the four light intensity values. In this method, the major axis position of the quarter-wave plate need not be determined in advance. In addition, the measured result is free of the intensity fluctuation of light source. The feasibility of the method is verified by the experiments.
Silicon nanocone arrays with metal silicide (Fe and Cr)-enriched apexes are fabricated on Si (100) substrate by the Ar ion bombardment method. The nanocone arrays show excellent field emission properties. A high current density (J) of ~0.33 mA/cm2 under
采用固相法以Li2SO4作助熔剂制备了Yb3 :Y3NbO7多晶,通过X射线粉末衍射用Rietveld全谱拟合确定了其结构,研究了它的吸收和光致发光。Yb3 :Y3NbO7的光致发光峰位于973,1040和1083 nm;吸收谱峰位于863,975和1040 nm。Yb3 :Y3NbO7表现出强的晶场能级分裂,基态晶场分裂约为1022 cm-1。Yb3 :Y3NbO7具有比Yb3 YAG更宽吸收光谱和发射谱,有利于实现超短脉冲和可调谐激光输出,有望成为新型Yb激光材料。
用计算全息图(CGH)检测非球面时,除了设计零位补偿CGH 外,还往往设计辅助调节CGH,从而可以利用干涉图来精确调节CGH 的位置。针对这种同时具有零位补偿和辅助调节功能的CGH,提出零位补偿CGH 和辅助调节CGH 之间具有相互补偿效应。针对一高次非球面,设计了四种不同的CGH 配置方案,而后逐一分析了零位补偿CGH 和辅助调节CGH 之间的补偿效应。分析结果表明,在相同的基板误差的条件下,具有自补偿效应的配置方案的Power 项误差小于其他方案的1/40,而球差和高阶球差则小于其他方案的1/70。利
从实验和数值仿真两方面研究了不同宽度的脉冲抽运情况下,全正色散光子晶体光纤中超连续谱(SC)产生的物理机制,并比较超连续谱的相干性。当抽运源为高峰值功率短脉冲时,光谱展宽的主要非线性效应为自相位调制,因此,数值仿真得到的超连续谱相对于抽运波长呈对称展宽的趋势,超连续谱相干性较好。当抽运源为600 ps的长脉冲时,产生超连续谱的主要非线性效应是受激拉曼散射,因此,超连续谱相对于抽运波长向长波方向展宽。
Adaptive optics has been widely used in biological science to recover high-resolution optical image deep into the tissue, where optical distortion detection with high speed and accuracy is strongly required. Here, we introduce convolutional neural network
激光深熔焊时,产生的等离子体降低激光能量效率。等离子体中电子与正离子热运动速度的差别,导致喷嘴和工件间形成一电位差。将喷嘴和工件短路则可产生一等离子体电流。如在该回路中串联一外加电源, 等离子体电流将随外加电源电压增大呈线性增大。加入一垂直于激光束方向的磁场,则带电粒子受电磁力作用而产生偏离激光束的运动。实验采用焊接过程中提升喷嘴的方法,使深熔焊模式转变为热导焊。加人辅助电磁场可使深熔 焊焊缝长度增加, 表明驱除熔池上方等离子体后激光对工件的耦合效率提高。随磁场强度增大,深熔焊长度增大。在外加电压为25
A novel phase noise (PN) compensation algorithm based on the decision feedback (DF) algorithm and the linear combination self cancellation (LCSC) algorithm is proposed to improve the system performance degradation caused by laser linewidth in coherent opt