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新闻学是一门年轻的社会科学,但它被作为一门科学来研究已具有悠久的历史。17世纪末,近代报纸的诞生地德国开始了以报业为对象的新闻学研究;第二次世界大战前,新闻学的研究在德、美、日等新闻事业比较发达的国家,一度呈现繁荣的局面;在我国,新闻学的研究工作萌芽于19世纪70年代,距今也有一个多世纪了。作为我国新闻学研究中一个重要组成部分的马克思主义新闻学研究,从20世纪30年代的解放区开始到全国解放后的今天,虽然有过不少曲折,但总的是不断深入和发展的,历史上已出现过三次高峰期。第一次高峰期是30年代末,40年代初,它是随着延安《解放日报》改版,党中央对新闻工作领导的加强而出现的。第二次高峰期是1956年随着《人民日报》的改版,而引起的对新闻学一些观点探讨所形成的,只是后来由于反右的扩大化而夭折。目前,我国正处在新闻学研 Journalism is a young social science, but it has a long history as a science. At the end of the 17th century, the birthplace of modern newspapers began a study of journalism targeting newspapers. Before the Second World War, the study of journalism was once flourishing in countries where journalism was more developed, such as Germany, the United States, and Japan Situation; in our country, the study of journalism sprouted in the 1870s, more than a century ago. As an important part of the study of journalism in our country, the study of Marxist journalism, from the liberated areas in the 1930s to the present after the liberation of the whole country, although there are many twists and turns, but the overall is the deepening and development of history There have been three peak times. The first peak was in the late 1930s and early 1940s. It emerged with the revision of the Yan’an Liberation Daily and the strengthening of the Central Committee’s leadership over journalism. The second peak, formed in 1956 with the revision of People’s Daily, resulted in a discussion of some of the journalistic perspectives, but was later aborted by the expansion of anti-rightism. At present, our country is studying journalism
<正> 1932年1月淞沪战争前夕,上海《民国日报》因所谓“触犯天皇”事件,被迫停刊。笔者曾查阅有关资料,并就询于当时该报主笔袁业裕先生,现将事实经过简述如下。 1932年1月8日晨,日本天皇由新军校阅回宫时,有一朝鲜人向之投掷炸弹,中其副车,仅一匹马受轻伤,刺客当场就逮。行刺原因,大致为朝鲜复国运动所主使。《民国日
<正> 30年代在南京,著名剧作家田汉同志曾是《新民报》的热心支持者和作者。这一段的合作共事,给我们留下了极深刻的印象,在此略记前言往行,藉以表达我们的追思和怀念。一、结下了深厚友谊 1935年,田汉作为“左联”主要成员,在上海被国民党逮捕,解至南京警备司令部监狱。幸得徐悲鸿、宗白华教授