
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hlg1205
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1996年,阜城县委组织部对党费收缴情况进行了调查,发现在一些基层部门和单位,党费收缴不是由党员本人按规定每月主动缴纳一次,而是由单位会计从工资中扣出,一般每半年或一年一次,然后逐级上缴。党员们称这种现象为“扣缴党费”。“扣缴党费”现象从1994年开始出现,到1996年有45%的机关和企事业单位存在这一问题,甚至部分乡镇农村党员的党费从村干部工资中一次性全年扣出。“扣缴党费”是一种消极被动的党费收缴方式,它不利于党员的党性锻炼,也助长了迟交、漏交党费现象的蔓延,必须予以纠正。出现“扣缴党费”现象,大致有以下几种原因:一是认识模糊,缺乏对党费收缴意义的深刻理解。二是党费收缴难。有些党员缴纳党费拖拖拉拉,两三个月不向党组织缴纳,甚至一部分人不催不交,组织委员按期收缴比较困难;还有一些党员只交整数, In 1996, the organization department of Fucheng County investigated the collection of dues and found that in some grassroots units and units, the collection of party dues was not voluntarily paid by the party members themselves once a month, but was deducted from the salaries by the unitary accountants, Every six months or once a year, and then pay step by step. Party members call this phenomenon “withholding party dues.” The phenomenon of “Withholding Party Dues” started to emerge in 1994. By 1996, 45% of the organs, enterprises and public institutions had this problem. Part of the Party members ’dues in villages and townships were temporarily deducted from the village cadres’ salaries all at once. “Withholding Party Dues ” is a negative passive collection of party dues. It is not conducive to party members’ exercise of party spirit, but also encourages the spread of late party dues and missed party dues. It must be corrected. The emergence of “Withholding party expenses ” phenomenon, for the following reasons: First, confusion, the lack of a deep understanding of the significance of the collection of dues. The second is difficult to collect dues. Some party members have to pay Party dues to delay procrastination, two or three months do not pay to the party organization, and even some people do not urge not to pay, organizing members to collect on time more difficult; there are some party members only pay the whole number,
1960年在燕山地区发现了一种新型富钾岩石,其 K_2O 含量可高达16.68%,分布颇广,层位稳定,厚度大,矿物成分简单,据了解它们不但可成为陶瓷、玻璃、耐火和化工等工业原料,而且
The Chinghsing coal-basin lies on the Chengtai Railway some 35 miles (57 Km) from Shihchiachuang. Trains to Taivuan stop there an hour-and-ahalf after leaving
[摘 要]中等职业技术学校学生正值青春期或青年初期,这一时期是人的心理变化最激烈的时期。而从实际情况看,随着普高热的升温,中等职业技术学校的社会地位日见低下,中高考后半段考分的学生进了职业学校,学习成绩差,基础不牢,自身素质欠缺。因此,职教教师在教学过程中有必要调整教学观,提高教学质量,并不断提高自身素质,提高学生的学习成绩和促进学生的个性发展。  [关键词]学习心理个性发展
《汉语大词典》“兔毛”:②细嫩的茶叶上的白毫,借指茶叶。唐·吕岩《大云寺茶诗》:“兔毛瓯浅香云白,虾眼汤翻细浪俱”。  《辞源》“兔褐”黄黑光泽的暗色,以其色似兔褐,故名。宋·黄庭坚《豫章集》一《煎茶赋》:“亦可以酌兔褐之瓯,瀹鱼眼之鼎者也”。  按:均不确。此二名均为“兔毫盏”之别称,亦称“玉毫”、“异毫”、“兔毛斑”,“兔毛紫盏”等,为唐宋爱茶者所重的黑茶具,其纹似兔毫毛,色则为黄黑色,与“