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随着对外开放的逐步扩大,发展外向型经济越来越感到按国际通行的做法进行势在必行。重视运用国际惯例,不但有利于消弥国内外合作者的一些不必要的误会,还有利于合作者之间在发生争议时找到一个共同的协商点。国际惯例是一座桥梁,在外向型经济领域里具有相当的地位,可以肯定地说,随着外资的进一步引进和对外贸易的发展,国际惯例的运用将越来越突出,成为处理涉外经济纠纷的一项重要依据。作为国际审判机关的人民法院,担负着调整涉外经济关系的重要职责。审判工作面临着如何看待和适用 With the gradual expansion of the opening up to the outside world, it has become increasingly imperative to develop an outward-oriented economy in line with internationally accepted practices. Emphasizing the use of international conventions will not only help to eliminate unnecessary misunderstandings between domestic and foreign collaborators, but will also help collaborators find a common bargain in disputes. International practice is a bridge and plays an important role in the field of export-oriented economy. It can be affirmed that with the further introduction of foreign capital and the development of foreign trade, the application of international conventions will become more and more prominent and will become the focus of foreign economic disputes An important basis. The people's court, as an international judicial organ, is charged with the important responsibility of adjusting the foreign-related economic relations. Judicial work is faced with how to treat and apply
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<正> 民法学经济法学界关于企业财产权的研讨争论,如何才能摆脱前苏联法学界的窠臼,做到源于现实而又高于现实,从而担当起指导实践的重任?由覃天云主编的《经营权论》一书(四川人民出版社1992年8月出版,31.8万字),即立足于实际,从把握具有中国特色的经营权的本质入手,对经营权所反映的经济关系、产权关系、社会本质属性及其与所有权的关系,进行了深入研究,并在分析评价近年来国内学术界关于企业财产权的各种观点的基础上提出了自己的一家之言。综观全书,笔者认为它具有以下几个特点:
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