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一头壮实的骆驼,在无边的荒原中走着,一不小心脚被坚硬的石头划破了,血顺着脚往下流。非洲的荒原上有成群的野兽猛禽,还有那把蚁巢筑得高高的红蚂蚁、黑蚂蚁,都忙着寻找食物。当带着血腥的骆驼走进荒野时,鬣狗扑向了它,大鹫也飞下来啄食它的身体。不一会儿,骆驼就被咬得鲜血淋漓。骆驼东奔西窜,想甩掉鬣狗和大鹫,可它又撞到了几尺高的蚁巢。几十万、几百万只蚂蚁立刻 A strong camel walked in the endless wilderness, accidentally broken by a hard stone, blood flow down the foot. There are flocks of wild birds on the African wilderness raptor, as well as the red ant, black ants nesting high in ant nests, are busy looking for food. As the bloody camel enters the wilderness, the hyena pounces upon it and the Great eagle flies down to peck at its body. In a moment, the camel was bitten bloody. Camels flew around, want to get rid of hyenas and Great Golden Eagle, but it hit a few feet high ant nest. Hundreds of thousands, millions of ants right away
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