
来源 :农业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongxingdehong
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1978年,我区早稻种出超历史的长相,却未收到超历史的产量。原因何在?根据我们的调查,在产量结构上主要是由于空秕率高和千粒重低。据各县资料分析,全区早稻每亩穗数35.2万,比1976和1977年分别增加1.2万和1.8万,每穗粒数57.5粒,比1976和1977年分别增加5.5和5.8粒,实粒数比1977年增加1.6粒,与1976年相平。空秕率由1976年的17.7%和1977年的21.3%上升到30%。千粒重比1916年和1977年分别下降1.9和1克。1978年是大面积改制以来空秕率最高、千粒重最低的一年。一、高温对早稻开花结实的危害影响早稻结实率和千粒重的原因,除品种特性、病虫危害和肥水管理等因素外,1978年特殊的持续高温是一个主要原因。高温影响早稻扬花受精,而形成空粒,高温使已受精的谷粒,在灌浆时受到障碍而形成秕粒,影响千粒重。1977年7月上旬出现高温,对早三熟茬早稻的结实率和千粒重影响很大。1978年 In 1978, the early rice in our region grew out of the history of ultra-history, but it did not receive the ultra-historical output. What is the reason? According to our survey, the yield structure is mainly due to the high rate of empty plutonium and the low grain weight. According to county data analysis, the region’s morning rice per panicle 352000, than in 1976 and 1977, respectively, an increase of 12000 and 18000, 57.5 grains per spike, compared with 1976 and 1977, respectively, an increase of 5.5 and 5.8 grains, grain The number increased by 1.6 grains over 1977, equal to 1976. The air traffic rate rose from 17.7% in 1976 and 21.3% in 1977 to 30%. The 1000-grain weight dropped 1.9 and 1 gram respectively from 1916 and 1977. The year 1978 witnessed the highest vacancy rate and the lowest thousand-grain weight since a large-scale restructuring. First, the high temperature on the flowering and damaging of early rice harms the impact of early rice seed setting rate and grain weight reasons, in addition to breed characteristics, pests and diseases and fertilizer and water management and other factors, the special sustained high temperature in 1978 is a major reason. High temperature affect the early rice flowering fertilization, and the formation of empty grain, high temperature so that the fertilized grains, grain barriers are obstructing the formation of grains, affecting 1000 grain weight. The high temperature occurred in early July 1977, affecting the seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight of early maturing early rice. 1978
磷肥在青紫泥地区,对旱作增产效果显著,对水稻一般也有效。1976 年我们分别在秧田和大田中,进行了旱稻、后季稻的磷肥肥效试验,在基肥中每亩各增施过磷酸钙50斤,以邻近不施
实施差异教学是谋求教师的教学能够去适应学习者的各种需求,是必要的.但现实实践中,以现代班级常见的30-60的人数配比, 教师如何调整自己的教学策略去适合每一个学习者的需求