
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cerlin
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周益民老师的《无法预约的精彩》(见《人民教育》2004年第1期)一文发表后,受到了广大教师的关注,引发了如火如荼的讨论。有的老师说,这个讨论是教育改革进行到关键时刻的必然产物。这样的认识是深刻的。关于教育尤其是语文教育的讨论一直非常热烈,但大都侧重思想批判,与真实的课堂教学实践无关。这种思想启蒙是教育改革的重要部分,但若失去了教育实践的支撑,就很容易沦落为知识精英们的自娱自乐。我们认为,步入新世纪的语文教育如果真正渴望为培养出具有独立精神和人性丰满的新人贡献自己的力量,那么仅仅坐而论道是不够的,重要的是,思想的解放要能转变成生动的实践。这次讨论最大的特点,就是理念与实践的血肉相联,相互促进。许多教师反映,他们听过太多的令人生厌的“真理”,现在他们急需的是实践的引领———能够激发他们与教学实践进行深度、有效对话的引领。意味丰富的案例就能起到这样的作用。周老师的这篇案例,不仅有思想的深度,也有教学技巧的娴熟,二者不是割裂而是水乳交融:教师对教育理想的追求、对语文教学价值的理解、对新课程理念的阐释,都渗透在每个教学行为中,因而每个教学细节的背后都隐藏着意义。这些意义是需要读者自己去揭开、去创造的,阅读变成了对智力的挑战:每个读者都将激活自己的? After Zhou Yimin’s “Unpublished Wonderful” (see People’s Education, Issue 1, 2004) was published, he received the attention of the majority of teachers and triggered a heated discussion. Some teachers said that this discussion is the inevitable result of the educational reform going to a crucial moment. This understanding is profound. Discussion on education, especially Chinese education has been very enthusiastic, but most of the emphasis on ideological criticism, and the real classroom teaching practice has nothing to do. Enlightenment of this kind of thinking is an important part of education reform, but if it loses the support of educational practice, it is easy to reduce the intellectual elite entertain themselves. In our opinion, if Chinese education in the new century really wants to contribute its own power to cultivating new and independent men and women, it is not enough to sit back and talk about it. What is important is that the emancipation of the mind can be transformed into a vivid practice . The biggest characteristic of this discussion is the connection between the idea and the practice and mutual promotion. Many teachers report that they have heard too much of the tiresome “truths” and what they urgently need now is the lead in practice - to inspire them to lead deep and effective conversations with teaching practices. Meaningful cases can play such a role. This case of Mr. Zhou not only has the depth of thought, but also has the skill of teaching skills. Both of them are not separated, but blended together: the teacher’s pursuit of educational ideal, the understanding of the value of Chinese teaching and the interpretation of the concept of new curriculum permeate In every teaching act, so behind every teaching detail is hidden meaning. These meanings require the reader to uncover and create, and reading becomes a challenge to intelligence: each reader will activate himself?
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