
来源 :汽车技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chy006
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第一机械工业部汽车轴承局于1974年3月19日至23日在北京召开了汽车用锯末纸浆机油滤芯定型座谈会。到会的有国家计委节约办公室、总后勤部、中央有关部和有关省市生产、使用、科研、学校等32个单位,47位代表。座谈会以党的基本路线为纲,学习了批林批孔文件和中央领导同志对节油工作的指示,总结交流了几年来各地在节油工作中为革新机油滤清器反复实践,勇于创新,普及推广的好思想、好经验,狠批了林彪效法孔老二妄图复辟资本主 The First Automobile Bearing Branch of the Ministry of Machinery Industry held a seminar on the shape determination of the oil filter for sawdust pulp for automobiles in Beijing from March 19 to March 23, 1974. At the meeting, there were 32 units and 47 representatives from the State Development Planning Commission, the General Logistics Department, the Central Government Departments and relevant provinces, cities and cities in production, use, scientific research and schools. The symposium took the basic line of the party as a key link, studied the documents of the pro-forest and forestry bureaus, and the instructions of the central leading comrades on fuel-saving work. They summed up the exchange and practice of innovating the oil filter over the past few years and made innovations , Universal popularization of good ideas, good experience, severely criticized the practice of Lin Biao Kong Erli vain attempt to restore capital master
用活性炭吸附硅钨酸作催化剂用于缩酮反应 ,合成了环己酮乙二醇缩酮。考察了影响收率的各种因素 ,得出优惠反应条件是酮醇摩尔比 1∶1.50 ,催化剂用量 1.5g ,硅钨酸固载量 2
康力肤乳剂治疗新生儿硬肿症国内未见报道,近年我院试用康力肤乳剂外用治疗新生儿硬肿症32例,取得较好效果,现报告如下.1.临床资料一般资料 新生儿硬肿症62例,随机分治疗组3
As a longstanding member of the Boao Fo-rum for Asia(BFA),Evonik Industries AG,Essen,Germany,supports the BFA Annual Conference 2008 themed:“Green Asia:Moving
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【正】 On June 26th Qinghai Bindi Potash Fertilizer Co.,Ltd.held a ceremony in its Lenghu Production Base for the completion of the 300000 t/a potash-magnesium
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.announces its ambitious plans to ex-pand plants,modernize factories and increase cost-cutting.In reference to strengthening its prese
以十二水硫酸铁铵为催化剂 ,催化乳酸和醇的酯化作用 ,制备了 8种乳酸酯。 Eight kinds of lactic acid esters were prepared by esterification of lactic acid and alcoh