
来源 :公路交通科技(应用技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dimaie
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海西高速公路网南平联络线K26+300~+600段,存在由于多种原因形成滑坡,该滑坡的稳定性如何,是否对公路网的建设运行带来安全隐患,成为公路段建设期必须解决的工程问题。通过对滑坡的地质条件、形成机制及稳定性分析,发现该滑坡存在安全隐患,需要进行针对性治理。因此,采用削坡减载、三角形钢架桩、反压互道和坡脚挡墙为主,辅以外封地表水、深排地下水相结合的措施进行综合治理,监控量测数据表明采用综合处治方案治理该滑坡是行之有效的。 Haixi highway network Nanping contact line K26 +300 ~ +600 section, there are a variety of reasons for the formation of landslides, the stability of the landslide, whether the road network construction and operation of the security risks, become a highway construction period must be addressed Engineering problems. By analyzing the geological conditions, formation mechanism and stability of the landslide, it is found that the landslide has potential safety problems and needs to be treated in a targeted manner. Therefore, the use of cutting ramp load, triangular steel frame piles, back pressure each channel and the slope of the foot of the wall, combined with the outer surface water, deep groundwater combined measures to conduct a comprehensive management, monitoring data show that the use of comprehensive treatment The solution to the landslide is working.
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借助于模数和数模转换器,用单片微机8031组成的系统能对任意波形实现存贮和再现,从而使之能在普通示波器上显示稳定的波形 With the help of analog-to-digital and digital-to-an
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1.ying 赢:余利;利润。晁错《论贵粟疏》:“操其奇赢。”(牟取暴利) 蠃:姓。苏洵《六国论》:“与蠃而不助五国。”(蠃,指秦始皇。) 2.yi 羿:后羿,古代传说中夏代有穷国的君
为考察咪唑斯汀治疗过敏性鼻炎的疗效和安全性 ,于 2 0 0 0年 4月至 10月 ,进行了本项多中心平行对照的临床试验 (对照组为氯雷他定 ) ,共有 14 1例完成本试验 ,其中咪唑斯汀