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一、建设林牧生态县的可行性和必要性响水有97万亩耕地,全县农业人口不足43万人,人均耕地、畜禽饲料十分丰富,远远超过全省、全国的平均水平。而我县2001年的畜牧业产值仅2亿元,占全县农业总产值的比重约为20%,与畜牧业发达地区(一般均超过50%)相比,差距甚远,说明我县的林区牧业发展空间十分巨大。我县发展生态林牧业具备如下有利条件:1、生态环境保护较好,工业污染程度轻。空气、土壤、水质是盐城市唯一免检的合格县,环境后发优势十分明显,建设林牧生态县的条件得天独厚。2、具备较好的物质基础。全县先后引进一批萨能山羊、波尔山羊、苏太猪、良种肉鸽、獭兔、三黄鸡等优良品种。地方草鸡享誉上海等大中城市,市场前景好,开发潜力大,全县已有几个上规模的配合饲料厂、若干规模饲养场。3、林业、草业发展迅速。种植的比较效益较高,发展林 I. Feasibility and Necessity of Constructing Ecological Forest and Animal Husbandry There are 97 million mu of cultivated land in the sounding water. The agricultural population of the county is less than 430,000. Per capita arable land and livestock and poultry are very abundant, far exceeding the average level of the whole province and the whole country. In 2001, the output value of livestock husbandry in our county was only 200 million yuan, accounting for about 20% of the total output value of agriculture in the county. Compared with the developed areas of livestock husbandry (more than 50% in general), the county’s GDP Forest animal husbandry development space is huge. The development of ecological forestry and animal husbandry in our county has the following favorable conditions: 1, the ecological environment protection is better, the degree of industrial pollution is light. Air, soil and water quality are the only qualified counties exempted from inspection in Yancheng City. The advantage of the environment is obvious and the conditions for building a forest-pastoral ecological county are unique. 2, have a better material foundation. The county has introduced a number of saan goats, Boer goats, Su Tai pigs, breeding pigeons, Rex Rabbit, three yellow chickens and other fine varieties. Local turf famous Shanghai and other cities, the market prospects are good, great potential for development, the county already has several on the scale with feed mill, a number of scale feedlot. 3, forestry, grassland is developing rapidly. Planting more effective, the development of forest
载脂蛋白C-III(apolipoprotein C-III,ApoC-III)是一种水溶性低分子蛋白质,主要分布于血浆高密度脂蛋白、极低密度脂蛋白和乳糜颗粒中。ApoC-III是脂蛋白代谢的重要调节因子,