当您上Internet想要下载或浏览各种电脑公司的资源,诸如驱动程序、用户手册、软件试用版、游戏DEMO、动画、升级补丁等等,你会怎么做?大多数人的方法就是登录各大公司的web页面,然后在“下载”或是“技术支持”之类的栏目寻找想要的软件。其实还有另外一种更加简便的方法。那就是直接浏览各大公司的FTP站点。 许多大公司都有自己的FTP站点。它们的格式一般为;ftp://ftp.公司域名.com。在的浏览器中输入上面格式的地址,浏览
What do you do when you want to download or browse resources from various computer companies on the Internet, such as drivers, user manuals, software demos, game demos, animations, upgrade patches, and more? Most people do this by logging in Large company web pages, and then look for the software you want on the section titled “Download” or “Technical Support.” In fact, there is another more easy way. That is directly browse the major companies FTP site. Many big companies have their own FTP site. Their format is generally; ftp: // ftp. Company domain name .com. In the browser, enter the above format address, browse