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心理健康问题长期以来被人们所忽视。随着人们的经济状况不断改善,意识观念逐步更新,心理与健康的关系已越来越受到人们的重视。健康已不再被仅仅看作是机体的强壮,而是包括心身两方面的完满康宁状态。为适应社会发展的需要,山东医科大学于1985年开设了全省首家临床心理治疗与心理咨询门诊,后又于1993年经充实扩大成立了山东医科大学临床心理治疗与心理咨询中心。自门诊成立至今10年来,临床心理医疗工作得以逐渐发展,先后开设了临床心理治疗、心理咨询、心理测验、脑功能检查、肌电图检查、脑诱发电位测试等临床项目。其中心理测验和脑功能项目增加到20余项。在人员配备上,现有教授一人,主治医师五人,技术人员两人。现今,该中心集科研和心理治疗、心理咨询于一体,已形成在国内同专业中影响较大的临床心理诊疗基地。自接诊以来,该中心已诊治了四千余例心理障碍患者和健康咨询者,治愈率达80%以上。为大量心理病人解除 Mental health issues have long been ignored by people. With the continuous improvement of people’s economic status and the gradual renewal of consciousness, the relationship between mentality and health has received more and more attention. Health is no longer seen merely as the body’s strength, but as the complete Corning state of mind and body. In order to meet the needs of social development, Shandong Medical University opened the province’s first clinical psychotherapy and psychological counseling clinic in 1985, and later in 1993 it has expanded and established the Clinical Psychotherapy and Psychological Consultation Center of Shandong Medical University. Since the establishment of the outpatient clinic 10 years ago, clinical psychological medical work has been gradually developed. Clinical programs such as clinical psychotherapy, psychological counseling, psychological tests, brain function tests, electromyography, and brain evoked potential tests have been established. Among them, psychological tests and brain function items have increased to more than 20 items. In staffing, there is one professor, five attending physicians, and two technicians. Nowadays, the center integrates scientific research, psychological therapy and psychological consultation into one, and has formed a clinical psychological diagnosis and treatment base that has a great influence in the same profession in China. Since the consultation, the center has diagnosed and treated more than 4,000 patients with mental disorders and health consultants, and the cure rate reached over 80%. Relieved for a large number of mental patients
锌通过与氨基酸中硫和氮原子的共价结合 ,在维系蛋白质三级结构和发挥其特定的功能中 ,具有重要生理作用。在免疫系统中 ,锌为淋巴细胞的周期变化和增殖所必需 ;锌通过调节 D
,=卜E欢快、24活泼地咚文西词格子曲(巡石{迎石i”卿}2·。}缪石)J迎石}迎石{1.2.哟嗬哩秋!哟嗬哩秋!16一.酞丝林a一呀导闸,口.. 2 .甲曰.︸63哟嗬36哩嗬秋里秋 }红。 你来画船
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2002-02-21 星期四晴今天,昨天的滑雪对于我还是记忆犹新,意犹未尽。真没想到今天JESSICA给了我一个惊喜,她买了三张在PARK CITY附近名叫SOLIDERHOLLOW的滑雪运动场进行的女
科技期刊的标准化和规范化问题 ,是编辑加工中的难点 ,诸如计量单位的使用、外文字符的标注、专业技术标准的掌握以及数字和文字的规范用法等等。这些方面的加工花费了科技编
目的 建立和优化蛋白质分子差异展示的双向聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术 ,初步观察番泻叶提取物诱导小鼠结肠组织中蛋白质的差异表达 ,为进一步筛选其中介导番泻叶生物作用的蛋白
【正】 木槿(Hibiscus syriacus)广泛分布于亚洲东部和南部,其干燥花作为民间药物可治疗便血、腹泻、风痰内阻、呕吐等。为了寻找木槿中有效的新抗氧化剂,对木槿根皮中的成分
脐血是造血干/祖细胞的重要来源之一,脐血移植在治疗许多血液系统疾病方面已展现出了良好的应用前景,本文就脐血造血细胞的生物学特性及体外扩增研究进展做一综述。 Umbilic