
来源 :四川果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spacelion
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柑桔桔的夏季修剪与夏秋施肥,对提高产量、增强树势具有重要意义。从江津、金堂等老产区的实践表明,根据柑桔生物学特性进行夏季修剪和施肥,定能获得良好收效。江津县先锋公社程家大队对40年生甜橙衰老低产树,在1963年进行夏季修剪,结合施肥、防虫等项综合管理措施,复壮了树势,提高了产量,平均株产由1963年的28市斤逐步上升,1964-66年三年平均株产达86市斤。夏季修剪是在生长期中进行的,正值气候高温多湿,树体生理机能活跃,根系活动旺盛。修剪之后,伤口癒合快,一般在修剪后半月至一月,就能促进抽发大量夏、秋 Summer pruning citrus orange and summer fertilization, to improve yield, enhance the tree vigor is of great significance. From the Jiangjin, Jintang and other provenance in the practice of old areas show that according to citrus biological characteristics of summer pruning and fertilization, will be able to get good results. Jiangjin County pioneer commune Cheng brigade 40-year-old low-yielding orange tree senescence, summer pruning in 1963, combined with fertilizer, pest control and other integrated management measures to rejuvenate the tree vigor and increase the yield, the average strain from 1963 to 28 City jin escalating gradually, 1964-66 three years average plant yield of 86 jin. Summer pruning is carried out in the growing season, just when the climate is hot and humid, tree physiological activity is active, root activity. After pruning, the wound heals fast, usually half a month after pruning to January, can promote the extraction of large amounts of summer, autumn
矮化密植栽培是近年来果树生产中的一项重要技术改革,不少的人对这一新的技术还比较生疏,生产上缺乏经验,现将有关方面的问题介绍于下: 问:矮化密植栽培比乔化稀植栽培有哪些
“On 23 June 1984,I was attacked.”Phoni Gyen took a seat on a dock~2overlooking the still waterways of the Sundarbans~3,a low-lying archipelago in the Ganges D