A hand gesture-based interactive model to choose one from many

来源 :Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frjzj
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Natural,efficient,intelligent,and barrier-free HCI (Human-Computer Interface) will be the main developing direction of the new intelligent HCI.Building an intelligent,natural,harmonious and humanistic HCI has been the primary developing tendency of the new HCI. “Select one from many” is one of the key questions in researching and designing HCI based on gestures.On the single channel interactive condition which is based on 3D gesture operation,we build a interactive model of “Select one from many”.Combining this model with “Token” technology and reciprocating movement feature,we present and realize a simple efficient “Select one from many” algorithm,which is used in a concrete SOR (Selection-Operation-Release) system.In the SOR system,we realize a real-time selection,tracking and interaction of natural gestures. Natural, efficient, intelligent, and barrier-free HCI (Human-Computer Interface) will be the main developing direction of the new intelligent HCI.Building an intelligent, natural, harmonious and humanistic HCI has been the primary developing tendency of the new HCI. “Select one from many ” is one of the key questions in researching and designing HCI based on gestures. On the single channel interactive condition which is based on 3D gesture operation, we build a interactive model of “Select one from many ”Combining this model with “ Token ”technology and reciprocating movement feature, we present and realize a simple efficient “ Select one from many ”algorithm, which is used in a concrete SOR (Selection-Operation-Release) system. In the SOR system, we realize a real-time selection, tracking and interaction of natural gestures.
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