
来源 :铁道劳动安全卫生与环保 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mzhou2009
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职业性黑变病是指劳动或作业环境中存在的职业性有害因素(主要是煤焦油、石油及其分馏产品,橡胶添加剂,某些颜料、染料及其中间体等)引起的慢性皮肤色素沉着性疾病。主要发生在石油分馏、橡胶加工等行业,在铁路系统极为少见。下面则是发生在徐州铁路分局一例职业性黑变病的报道。患者,徐××,女,33岁,系徐州铁路分局新浦装卸作业所装卸司机。职业史:接触煤炭、煤油、汽油、机油等13年,作业中无特殊防护措施。现病史;患者自8年前始,脸,颈部逐渐出现点片网状色素沉着,时有骚痒感,后渐加重,泛发 Occupational melanosis refers to chronic skin pigmentation caused by occupational hazards existing in work or work environment (mainly coal tar, petroleum and its fractionation products, rubber additives, certain pigments, dyes and their intermediates, etc.) Sexually transmitted diseases. Mainly occurred in the oil fractionation, rubber processing and other industries, the railway system is extremely rare. The following is a case of occupational melanosis in Xuzhou Railway Branch reported. Patients, Xu × ×, female, 33 years old, Department of Xuzhou Railway Branch Xinpu handling loading and unloading drivers. Occupation history: contact with coal, kerosene, gasoline, oil, etc. for 13 years, no special protective measures during operation. Current history; patients since 8 years ago, the face, neck gradually spot mesh reticular pigmentation, sometimes itching, gradually increased, pan-hair
各位领导、各位专家、各位代表:rn大家好!rn2020年12月5日-7日,“第五届全国土肥和谐大会”在北京中国职工之家酒店获得圆满成功.大会以 “腐植酸:我们要做新土地的主人” 为
信使RNA(message RNA,mRNA)降解在调控哺乳动物基因表达中起着关键作用,其功能失调促进多种与炎症和恶性肿瘤相关基因的过量表达[1]。研究发现,多种炎症和恶性肿瘤相关基因mR