
来源 :农村实用工程技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeyennn
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机井是农业耗能大户之一。它是由动力机、水泵、进出水管道及传动机构等组成的提水装置,任何一部分效率不高,都会影响机井的装置效率。机井节能改造的主要措施有六项: 1.消除井泵高射炮出流。改自内出流为淹没出流,降低井泵净扬程,从而提高水泵和管道效率。 2.水泵合理下降。为适应井内的水泵下降,应当让水泵在允许吸程(离心泵)范围内工作,防止吸程过高产生气浊,影响装置效率。 3.减少管道的水头损失。如取消底阀(离心泵),去掉或更换进口滤网,减少管道长度或加大管道内径。 4.车削离心泵叶轮或摘除多余叶轮(长轴的井泵),使水泵工作点落在高效区。 Drilling wells is one of the major energy-consuming farmers. It is a power plant, water pumps, water pipes and gear and other components of the water lifting device, any part of the inefficient, will affect the efficiency of the installation of wells. There are six main measures for energy-saving reconstruction of the well: 1. Eliminate the well pump anti-aircraft gun outflow. Change from the internal flow to submerge outflow, reducing the net lift of the well pump, thereby improving the efficiency of pumps and pipes. 2. Reasonable decline in the pump. In order to adapt to the decline of the pump in the well, the pump should be allowed to work in the range of suction (centrifugal pump) to prevent turbidity caused by excessive suction and affect the efficiency of the installation. 3. Reduce pipeline head loss. If you cancel the bottom valve (centrifugal pump), remove or replace the inlet filter to reduce the length of the pipe or increase the pipe diameter. 4. Turned centrifugal pump impeller or removal of excess impeller (long axis of the well pump), the pump operating point falls in the high-performance area.
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