Alternative Fuzzy Cluster Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:changjian200910
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Remote sensing image segmentation is the basis of image understanding and analysis. However,the precision and the speed of segmentation can not meet the need of image analysis,due to strong uncertainty and rich texture details of remote sensing images. We proposed a new segmentation method based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm(AGA) and Alternative Fuzzy C-Means(AFCM) . Segmentation thresholds were identified by AGA. Then the image was segmented by AFCM. The results indicate that the precision and the speed of segmentation have been greatly increased,and the accuracy of threshold selection is much higher compared with traditional Otsu and Fuzzy C-Means(FCM) segmentation methods. The segmentation results also show that multi-thresholds segmentation has been achieved by combining AGA with AFCM. Remote sensing image segmentation is the basis of image understanding and analysis. However, the precision and the speed of segmentation can not meet the need of image analysis, due to strong uncertainty and rich texture details of remote sensing images. Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm (AGA) and Alternative Fuzzy C-Means (AFCM). Segmentation thresholds were identified by AGA. Then the image was segmented by AFCM. The results that that the precision and the speed of segmentation have been greatly increased, and the accuracy of threshold selection is much higher with traditional Otsu and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) segmentation methods. The segmentation results also show that multi-thresholds segmentation has been achieved by combining AGA with AFCM.
摘 要: 应用题在小学数学教学中意义重大,它可以帮助学生理解数学概念、性质、法则、公式,还可以培养他们的逻辑思维能力。在应用题教学中,可通过创设宽松的教学氛围、训练发散思维和求异思维、鼓励质疑问难、认真探索等方法培养学生的创新思维。  关键词:应用题 创新 思维  在小学《数学》教材中,应用题占很大的比例,是小学数学的重要组成部分,也是教学难点。在小学数学课堂应用题教学中,既要锻炼学生分析问题、解
增强学生数学课堂参与意识,提升学生课堂学习参与度,是提升课堂实效的重要保障。让学生有着多样化的参与者角色定位,可以有效提升学生在数学课堂学习的参与度。因此,教师在课堂实践中应设计多样化的课堂参与角色,让学生成为评论者、欣赏者、收获者,让学生获取数学知识的同时提升数学能力,为数学学习的可持续发展奠定扎实基础。  一、引导学生参与评论  让学生成为一个评论者,可以诱导学生表露出真实的思维过程。在教学实
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