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炎症性肠病的概况山西医学院第一附医院(030001)安子元炎症性肠病(InflainmatoryBowelDisease,IBD)通常包括克隆氏病和溃疡性结肠炎。克隆氏病旧称局限性回肠炎或肉芽肿性肠炎,是Crohn于1813年首先报告描述的,但直到1932年才被确认为一种独立的疾病。最早报告的病例病变都局限于回肠,后来发现从口腔到肛门的胃肠道任何部位均可能受累。溃疡性结肠炎是Wilks和Moxon于1875年首先描述,他们最先将其从细菌和寄生虫感染性肠道疾病中分离出来,1920年被医学界公认是一种特殊的独立的肠道疾病。炎症性肠病西方国家较常见,并且往往病情较重,死亡率亦高;而国内相对少见,并且轻、中型病例居多。溃疡性结肠炎在西方国家发病率在每10万人口23.9~122.2人,每年新发病10万人口1.3~15.1人。国内尚无关于溃疡结肠炎的临床流行病学资料。克隆氏病在欧洲和北美比较多见,报告在本世纪八十年代每年发病率为1.8~3.1%,近年来并有增高趋势,有两个发病高峰,即20~40岁和55~60岁。我们曾总结1952~1992年国内医学文献和我院的克隆氏病共942例,并与西方国家资料进行对比,发现中国人的克 Overview of Inflammatory Bowel Disease First Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi Medical College (030001) An Ziyuan Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) usually includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease, formerly known as Crohn’s disease or granulomatous enteritis, was first described by Crohn in 1813 but was not identified as an independent disease until 1932. The earliest reported cases of lesions were confined to the ileum, and later found anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus may be involved. Ulcerative colitis, first described by Wilks and Moxon in 1875, was the first to isolate it from bacterial and parasitic infectious intestinal diseases and was recognized by the medical community in 1920 as a unique and independent intestinal disease. Inflammatory bowel disease Western countries are more common, and often in serious condition, mortality is high; and relatively rare in China, and light, medium-sized cases. In western countries, the incidence of ulcerative colitis is 23.9 to 122.2 per 100,000 population, with a yearly incidence of 100,000 to 1.3,000 people. There is no domestic clinical epidemiological data on ulcer colitis. Crohn’s disease is more common in Europe and North America, with an annual incidence rate of 1.8-3.1% reported in the 1980s and an increasing trend in recent years with two peak incidences of 20-40 years and 55 ~ 60 years old. We have summarized 1952 ~ 1992 domestic medical literature and our hospital’s Crohn’s disease, a total of 942 cases, and compared with the Western countries, found that Chinese grams
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