下述一些罕见的综合征可合并有糖尿病 一、Werner综合征:1、一定的身体特征:短身躯,细而尖的鼻子,细长的四肢,2,早期老化现象:青年白毛、秃发,青年白内障、弱而高音调的发音。3.硬皮病样的皮肤表现:皮肤和皮下组织萎缩、掌跖局限性角质增生、溃疡。4.性发育不全、骨质疏松、局部钙质沉着、动脉硬化,X线摄片常见胸、腹大动脉钙化.本征患者糖耐量多半异常,伴发之糖尿病以轻症为多。基本上无酮症倾向,近亲结婚发病率较高,有抗胰岛素之特性。
Some of the following rare syndromes can be combined with diabetes, Werner syndrome: 1, certain physical characteristics: short body, thin and pointed nose, slender limbs, 2, early aging phenomenon: young white hair, baldness , Youth cataracts, weak and high pitched sounds. 3. Scleroderma-like skin manifestations: skin and subcutaneous tissue atrophy, limited palmoplantar keratosis, ulcers. 4 hypoplasia, osteoporosis, local calcifications, atherosclerosis, X-ray common thoracic and abdominal arteries calcification.Intrinsic patients with impaired glucose tolerance mostly associated with diabetes as mild. Keto basically free tendency, higher incidence of cousin marriage, anti-insulin properties.