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宜良縣在组织秋牧保卫秋收的运动中,廣大農民的階級覺悟與政治認识有了初步提高,向農村封建勢力展開反封建鬥爭,給予瘋狂兇狠向農民进攻的惡霸地主一些打擊。保住了自己一年辛辛苦苦獲得的粮食,扣下了租子,使一九五○年公粮的徵收取得初步的保證。就在這个扭转了地主階级統治農民压迫農民的農村形勢初步獲得勝利的基礎上,全县於十月底十一月初召開了扩大会議。舉辦农民積極分手训練班,各鄉召开了鄉農代会。通過各種會議,大力宣傳政策,進行充分的思想動員及组织工作。会议后,全县即展開了一而擠黑評產,一面交粮入倉的雙管齊下的合理負担运动。由於中央徵收一九五○年農业税政策的正確,得到廣大群众的擁護以及全縣幹部的積极努力,自五○年十一月初徵粮工作開始以來到目前為止全縣巳入倉一一、七六○、九五一市斤谷子、超額完成任务一、四九五、九五一市斤,擠出黑田一九、八四八工(主要是地主富農的)。貫澈了合 In the campaign to organize autumn harvest in autumn and fall in Yaliang County, the peasants’ class consciousness and political understanding have been basically improved. Anti-feudal struggles against the feudal forces in rural areas were started, giving some blows to bullied landlords who attacked peasants fiercely and viciously. Kept the hard-won grain for one year, and deducted the rent, so that the acquisition of grain in 1950 was given initial assurance. On the basis of a preliminary victory in the rural situation that reversed the landlord’s rule over peasants oppressing peasants, the county held an enlarged meeting in late October and early November. Organized farmers to actively break up training classes, townships held a rural farmers congress. Through various meetings, vigorously promote policies and carry out full ideological mobilization and organizational work. After the meeting, the county started a one-squeeze black review, one side of the two-pronged delivery of grain into a reasonable burden of movement. Since the central government collected the policy of agricultural tax in 1950 and got the support of the broad masses and the hard work of cadres throughout the county, since the beginning of the grain requisition in early November, the entire county has been warehousing one by one, In 1976, the city of Kilimanj for 9-51 surpassed the tasks one, 495 and 951 and pushed out nineteen and eight hundred forty-eight workers in Kuroda (mainly the landlords and rich peasants). Through a clear Che
四周布满哈布斯布尔格 王族历代皇帝的肖像画的王 宫里的“巨人厅” Surrounded by the royal palace of the Habsburgs portrait of the royal palace in the “Giants Ha
那一次,我从油麻地去香港岛看维多利亚湾的夜景,途中步行经过一条隧道。隧道的名字已忘记了,印象是宽亮如昼。走着,目光被左壁招贴画吸引。 ——一个风尘仆仆的汉子迎面而来
《国际航空宇航摘要》(International Aerospace Abstracts,简称IAA)1981年3月以来陆续报导我校论文,迄今为止的全部情况尚待进行细致统计。这次为情况(一),今后将再刊载情
日期:十二月八日地點:省府会议室主席:龚自知出席人员:馬继孔周体仁宋一痕丁兆冠李文汉唐用九刘之毅(林季生优)王一知禄国藩吴作民徐嘉瑞杜棻 Date: December 8 Venue: Mee