
来源 :山东科技大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nixofnj
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通过压缩试验研究了废旧轮胎橡胶颗粒与黏性土混合土的压缩特性,及竖向压力、橡胶颗粒掺量对混合土各参数的影响。研究结果表明:混合土的压缩性介于黏性土与纯橡胶颗粒之间,在低掺量下呈现出中压缩性,而在高掺量下呈现出高压缩性;随竖向压力增大,混合土的孔隙比与压缩系数减小、压缩模量增大;随橡胶颗粒掺量增加,混合土的孔隙比与压缩系数均先减小后增大,且以30%掺量混合土的孔隙比与压缩系数最小,而混合土的压缩模量先增大后减小,当掺量为30%时,其值最大;掺入轮胎橡胶颗粒可使黏性土的固结速率提高400%,当橡胶颗粒掺量为30%~40%时,混合土的压实效果最好。 The compression test was carried out to study the compressive characteristics of the mixed tire of rubber tire and cohesive soil, and the effect of vertical pressure and rubber content on the parameters of mixed soil. The results show that the compressibility of the mixed soil is between that of the clayey soil and the pure rubber particles, showing medium compressibility at low dosage and high compressibility at high dosage. With the increase of vertical pressure , The void ratio and compressibility of mixed soil decreased and the compressive modulus increased. With the increase of rubber particle content, the void ratio and compressibility of mixed soil first decreased and then increased, and with 30% mixed soil The void ratio and compressibility are the minimum, while the compressive modulus of mixed soil first increases and then decreases, and when the content is 30%, the maximum value is obtained. Addition of tire rubber particles can increase the consolidation rate of clay by 400% When the content of rubber particles is 30% ~ 40%, the compaction effect of mixed soil is the best.
制备了以羰基铁粉为磁性颗粒的硅油基磁流变液,使用Anton Paar Physica MCR 301流变仪测试其流变性能,用Bingham模型对磁流变液的流变性能进行拟合计算.实验表明,Bingham模型
When temperature of paraffinic mineral oil base stocks is decreased below cloud point, waxy hydrocarbons come out of solution and grow into plates and needles w